Baileys Irish Cream Is Making Cold Brew Coffee Now—You’re Welcome!

Baileys Irish Cream Is Making Cold Brew Coffee Now—You’re Welcome!

Is there anything better than a tall glass of Baileys Irish Cream? In my books, there’s not much, except maybe a good cold brew coffee in the morning. Thankfully, now I can have both because Baileys has come out with a cold brew beverage to get my days started right. I’ll take a case!

Read on to find out more about this delicious beverage and where to buy it, and please be aware that Bolde may make a small profit on any sales completed through links we provide. We use any money we receive to continue bringing you great content.

  1. First of all, they’re non-alcoholic. In case you want to grab a Baileys cold brew on your way to work, you don’t have to worry about getting fired for showing up drunk because there’s no alcohol in these. That might seem strange considering Baileys is and always has been an alcoholic beverage, but hey, I’m not complaining!
  2. They come in two flavors. You can get Baileys cold brew cans in either Salted Caramel or original Irish Cream flavors. Both are made with 100% Arabica coffee beans so the addition of coffee here isn’t just some cheap gimmick—it’s actually good!
  3. It doesn’t matter that it’s winter. If you’re anything like me, you enjoy iced coffee all year long, even when it’s freezing cold outside. Besides, chances are you have the heat on inside, so it’s never bad weather for some cold brew. That being said, this stuff will be a deliciously refreshing beverage come summer too.
  4. You can find it at your local grocery store. The beverage came out a few months back, so it should be on shelves at your favorite supermarket. If you can’t find it and you’re desperate to get your hands on some Baileys cold brew, don’t worry – you can order some on Amazon, though it’s not exactly cheap. A case of 12 cans will run you just under $30, but given that you get to enjoy Baileys flavor without the alcohol and with the added caffeine buzz, I feel like it’s totally worth it.

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