Being Hot Is Great, But These 11 Qualities Are Way More Important

While “beautiful” is definitely something every woman aspires to be, in one way or another, it isn’t everything. In fact, at some point in your life you may have even met people you thought were physically gorgeous… until you got to know them and realized that but they were terrible human beings. The same can go for ugly people (and the average ones, too): Busted at first glance, but beautiful once you get to know how great they are. Beauty is also subjective. The fact that I think Zach Galifianakis is stunning is not something with which many of my friends agree. Whatever. So what’s more important than beauty? A lot, actually.

  1. Intelligence to school those around you. It’s one thing to be well-read and well-educated, but where intelligence really comes in handy is when you can present the facts and tell people how it is. This is most especially the case as we roll on into an election year, but it’s useful all year ’round.
  2. Quick wit to win any argument. Of course winning an argument shouldn’t be your only goal, because resolution is always best, but if you’re going to win, you might as well do it on a witty note. It would make Oscar Wilde so very proud.
  3. Compassion for animals. In my humble opinion, the thing that ultimately far outweighs beauty the most is compassion for animals. It’s the people out there who realize that we don’t own animals and they deserve our love and respect who are the true beauties.
  4. A solid sense of humor to get through the hard stuff in life. Sometimes it really is better to laugh even if you’re dying inside. If you’re able to do that, then that’s one hell of a quality to have and your several steps ahead of most people.
  5. Enough fashion sense to avoid double knits. If this were the ’70s, I could maybe make an expection, but it’s not and they’re ugly. Don’t do it to yourself (or anyone else with eyes).
  6. The ability to not take yourself too seriously. If you can’t laugh at yourself and all the dumb stuff you do on a daily basis, then what can you laugh at? Especially when you’re home alone?
  7. Ambition to do something big with your life. While beauty will get you somewhere in life, it’s ambition that will get you the furthest. It’s also ambition that, and pardon my cliché here, will make your dreams come true. Awww.
  8. Empathy for strangers. I’m going to quote The Great Gatsby here, because no one puts it as beautifully as Fitzgerald: “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one…just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” Hashtag t
  9. Love for humanity, even though it often sucks. As an extremely flawed (and really screwed up species), it takes a certain level of tolerance and sainthood to find love in their heart for humanity. Someone who can deserves a medal.
  10. Passion for your art. No matter what you consider your art (folding clothes at the Gap on the weekend?), it’s important to have passion and lots of it. Never do something you love at only 99 percent.
  11. A sense of rhythm. Why is this one more important than beauty? Well, have you ever seen Elaine Benes dance? Yeah, no one wants that.
Amanda Chatel is a sexual health, mental health, and wellness journalist with more than a decade of experience. Her work has been featured in Shape, Glamour, SELF, Harper's Bazaar, The Atlantic, Forbes, Elle, Mic, Men's Health and Bustle, where she was a lifestyle writer for seven years. In 2019, The League included Amanda in their "15 Inspirational Feminists Every Single Person Should Follow on Twitter" list.

Amanda has a bachelor's degree in English and master's degree in Creative Writing from the University of New Hampshire. She divides her time between NYC, Paris, and Barcelona.

You can follow her on Instagram @la_chatel or on Twitter @angrychatel.