Being single is tough at times. We go through temporary spells of loneliness, terrible dates, players and other ridiculous crap like ghosting and benching — but when it comes down to it, it’s not the worst thing in the world. No matter how rough the road gets, single people see the outside world differently and we know there are a ton of other things that are infinitely worse than sitting at home in PJs on a Saturday night with a bottle of wine and a Netflix marathon of Nashville. Truthfully, we’d rather stay in our single status than be subjected to any of these BS situations:
- Being in a miserable relationship. There are so many people who stay in relationships they’re unhappy in simply because they fear being alone or being single again, but we would choose single over being with someone we didn’t truly love and adore. As much as we’d love to have a relationship in our lives, we won’t be settling on anything or anyone who makes us miserable in their company — no thanks!
- Faking our own happiness. There’s nothing worse than seeing those couples who you know were fighting like maniacs the same day later posting a cutesy couple shot proclaiming their undying love for each other on social media or acting extremely fake out in public. When single people see that, we know better. You’ll never find us faking our own happiness with any relationship because we’ve spent enough time on our own that we know our happiness isn’t dependent on someone else.
- Being dependent on our partners for the basic needs of life. We’ll be damned if we ever find ourselves in the situation of being at the complete mercy of someone else financially. We’re perfectly good at taking care of ourselves with no financial help and when we finally get into the right relationship, that won’t change- we’ve already learned to handle our own.
- Being painfully desperate for any guy. We’d much rather live a solo life of solitude than play relationship leap frog in the dating world. When we see people going from partner to partner so easily, we know it’s not because that person is a complete catch and there’s something wrong with us, it’s because they don’t know what they want or who they really are and can make a relationship out of anything and anyone they can find. We’ll pass.
- Being cheated on. A great part about being single is that we never have to worry or spend sleepless nights stalking social media sources trying to figure out if our partners are cheating on us or not. It feels amazing not having to dissect like and comment feeds looking for reasons to become insecure with ourselves and question our relationship. Instead, we’re taking our time finding someone who’s truly trustworthy and deserving of the relationship we have to offer.
- Being insecure in a relationship. There’s nothing fun about being in a relationship that makes you feel insecure. We’re not worrying if someone loves us enough, where things are going or if we’re good enough- we’re already good enough for ourselves and that’s all that matters.
- Settling. We all know at least one person who totally settled in the love department and we don’t envy them whatsoever. We’ll only settle down and invest our hearts into someone who’s totally right for us because, in the meantime, we have no problem with standing on our own.
- Not knowing ourselves. Those who have never spent the time being on their own don’t understand the complete change of perception you develop when you take the time to truly get to know who you are. We take pride in the fact that we have a true and deep self-love and we know that when the time is right, it’s going to make us even more amazing partners someday.
- Losing ourselves for the sake of not being alone. Abandoning our hobbies, interests and sometimes even our careers to find love isn’t an option for us. We enjoy our lives as they are and we’re only going to change our status for someone who’s truly complimenting to our current lifestyles. We find it painfully sad how so many people give up the things they love and lose who they are for the sake of having someone in their life. We’d much rather be single than lose ourselves.
- Being committed to an loser. We’re single for the simple fact that we don’t want to end up with a loser or someone who’s completely wrong for us. We’ll take being on our own, blissfully unaware of the moron we’re missing out on before we ever commit our lives to someone who treats us like crap. Being single may seem like a tragic state to the outside world, but from where we’re sitting, there are worse hell’s we could be living.