The Best Parts Of Sleeping Next To Someone You Love

The Best Parts Of Sleeping Next To Someone You Love

It’s easy to complain about all his annoying habits, but sometimes you forget about all the things you love about having your boyfriend share your bed. Sure, he snores and hogs all the covers, and sometimes his body heat makes you feel like you’re laying next to a raging furnace, but you still wouldn’t change things for the world. Here are some of the best things about sleeping next to someone you love.

  1. Falling asleep in someone’s arms Snuggling up in someone’s arms and falling asleep is one of the best feelings in the world. You feel safe, secure, and loved. You fall asleep fast and sleep easy. It doesn’t get much better than this.
  2. Morning cuddles Even better than falling asleep beside someone is the feeling of waking up next to them too. As long as you can get over the morning breath, curling up in your boyfriend’s arms is the best way to start your day.
  3. Body heat Those cold winter nights are so much better when someone is lying next to you. You never have to worry about cold feet and you can sleep naked without freezing your buns off. When your boyfriend’s sharing your bed with you, you never wake up in the middle of the night because you’re cold. And your mornings are always nice and toasty.
  4. Massages before bed If you’re one of the lucky ones, your boyfriend is massaging you in bed before you fall asleep. After a long day, there’s nothing like crawling into bed to a relaxing massage. Your day’s stress seems to disappear and you can fall asleep with a clear mind. If you’ve been sitting at a desk all day, this is exactly what you need.
  5. They may notice things you don’t Ever have someone tell you that you snore or grind your teeth in your sleep? If no one slept beside you, you’d probably never know these things. Snoring, for example, can be an early sign of all kinds of health issues. When your partner makes you aware of what you do in your sleep, you’re one step closer to getting it checked out and potentially avoiding something more serious down the road.
  6. More productivity Chances are, you wake up around the same time the person lying next to you does. If he’s an early riser, you won’t waste your whole morning sleeping in. The last thing you want to do is make the guy you’re dating think you’re lazy. And you know you’ll feel worse if you stay in bed while he’s being all productive. So you get up with him and surprise yourself with all the things you can get done before 10 am.
  7. Having an excuse to spend all day in bed Okay, so maybe your boyfriend sleeps until noon — but hey, at least you have a pretty good excuse to be lazy and stay in bed past breakfast. For some reason, you always feel less guilty about staying in bed late on a Sunday morning when there’s someone else beside you doing the same thing.
  8. Reaping the health benefits We often forget just how important a good night’s sleep is when it comes to our health. Sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping our immune system strong, and just feeling better in general. Studies have actually proven that women who sleep with someone fall asleep quicker and wake up less often during the night.
  9. Feeling safe When you’re lying there with your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you, you can’t help but feel safe. You know that nothing can hurt you when he’s around. If you’re living on your own, you probably panic at every sound you hear outside. As a woman living by herself, it’s common to worry at night. But when your boyfriend’s sleeping over, you know everything will be just fine.
  10. Enjoying how it improves your relationship Sleeping with someone boosts your levels of the love hormone, oxytocin. This ‘happy chemical’ is key for maintaining intimate, healthy relationships and is connected to feelings of love, trust, and affection. Oxycotin has been linked to strengthening bonds, so it’s no wonder you feel more connected to your partner when you sleep with them.

What’s not so great about sleeping next to someone you love

happy couple waking up in bed

Sure, the good outweighs the bad and these are relatively minor inconveniences, but there are quite a few downsides.

  1. Snoring If your bed partner snores, it can be more than a little annoying. In fact, it can be insomnia-inducing if you’re particularly sensitive to noise and they’re sawing Zzzs with the best of them. If you’re the snorer, you end up stressing about it and not wanting to fall asleep first in case it wakes them up even though you’re exhausted. There’s no winner here.
  2. Cover-hogging When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than snuggling up under some cozy blankets and feeling all nice and toasty. You can’t do that when you’re sleeping next to someone who hogs the covers and basically rips them off you so you’re left in the freezing air all night. If this is a serious problem, you could always solve it by getting separate duvets, but that’s a pain in the butt.
  3. Not being able to stretch out Lots of people love to go spread eagle in bed, taking up every possible inch of the bed they can. If you have a particularly large bed, maybe you like using part of it as storage space for your phone, the book you’re reading, some snacks, etc. You can’t do that when you’re sharing your bed. There’s someone there on the other side, meaning you’ll have to stick to your space and potentially be all scrunched up while you sleep.
  4. Temperature differences If you like it cold whereas your partner is freezing all the time and likes it warm (or vice versa), sleeping together is going to be loads of fun. You can’t sleep with the fan on in winter if you’re sleeping next to someone who puts the heating on max and likes to sleep under three layers of blankets.
  5. Different sleep schedules Maybe you like to stay up late reading and they get cranky if the lights aren’t off by 11 p.m. Having different sleep schedules can be complicated and even cause petty arguments between you. Maybe they’ll need to invest in a sleep mask or you’ll need to get one of those clip-on book lights that still allows you to read without lighting up the whole room. There are ways around it.
  6. Annoying sexual advances You love having sex with your partner, but there are some nights when you’re tired or you just want to chill and you’re not feeling it. There’s nothing worse than being just about to fall asleep when your partner starts moving up against you from behind and trying to initiate sex. This can sometimes lead to unnecessary fights and a whole lot of drama, and it’s definitely one of the most obnoxious parts of sleeping next to someone you’re dating. Thankfully, more often than not, you’re happy to respond positively to their initiations.
Suzanne is a twenty something living in Toronto, Canada. When she doesn't have her professional pants on from 9-5, she is getting lost in a good book, a yoga class, or a tall glass of wine.
She has a severe case of the travel bug, a serious love affair with food and will never say no to puppy-sitting.