A bikini model has been cruelly targeted by trolls online, with her untouched photos being labeled “revolting” by those who judge her for posting her natural body. Karina Irby celebrates body positivity and has no qualms about posting unretouched photos on social media. However, her honesty and self-love haven’t come without criticism of her cellulite. Luckily, that won’t keep Iby from celebrating “real female bodies.”
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- People are so cruel with their comments. The 31-year-old recently posted a video of her backside in a bikini and her cellulite was showing. This caused many people to send her abusive comments, with one person even encouraging her to self-harm.
- Irby isn’t taking the abuse lying back. Instead of letting it get to her or keeping her from posting what she wants on her account, Irby called the troll out. “Yes I put myself out there on the internet but that doesn’t allow you the right to abuse, shame and attack me. Or anyone for that matter,” she said as per news.com.au. “I get told to end my life, I’m fat. I’m revolting, I’m a disgrace to females.”
- People claim she’s “asking for it” by putting photos of herself out there. However, that’s absolutely ridiculous. Irby is free to post whatever she wants on her own account – you don’t have to look if you don’t like it! “Unfortunately for you, I’m stronger than what you think and I’ll always come out on top thrusting to your silly comments,” she said.
- Irby thinks her body is a “work of art.” She asked her followers recently to pick out the first two things they noticed in a recent photo and said that if they first noticed the imperfections, there was a serious problem. “You’re probably not seeing enough normal/unedited female bodies in your feed enough,” she said. “Normalize the normal. Stop editing your lumps.” Such good advice!
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