A new mom on TikTok has revealed that when she was suffering from an extremely painful blocked milk duct, she breastfed her husband in order to clear it. Jennifer, who posts on the social media site as @TwoDears, said that the clog turned into mastitis and not only left her writhing in pain but meant their daughter couldn’t get fed properly. That’s when her husband stepped in.
@jennandtoni It worked 😳 #breastfeedingthoughts #ShareTheMagic #marriedlife #couples #marriagelife #marriedwithkids #storytime #motherhoodishard #momconfessions
- Jennifer never expected to get mastitis. As she said in her video, “There are some things in marriage and having babies that you just can’t prepare for, and this is one of them.” While she was out on antibiotics to help the condition, they still weren’t helping after a few days. She even tried Epsom salt baths and other methods she read about online, but no dice.
- She read online that her husband might be able to help. Desperate for a remedy for the condition, Jennifer again returned to the internet. “So I found this article because I was just Googling and Googling, that said your partner should suck the clog out,” she recalled. “I mentioned it to my husband, I was like, ‘Do you wanna help me out?’ He was like, ‘I would do that for you. I might gag, I might throw up, but I will do that for you.’ So we did it.”
- It actually worked! The couple got a bowl to put to the side so he could spit out any milk that might come out and got to work. “In the beginning, he got a small taste of it and he was like, ‘This is actually really sweet.’ But then at the end when he unclogged it, he was basically about to gag because it started flowing because the clog was gone, and that was enough. Enough!”
- Her husband even came on to share his perspective of the events. “I breastfed from my wife,” he said. “And she was in a lot of pain, it was a different kind of experience, and I felt like I was sucking poison out of you, like when you have a snakebite. All I could think about was your pain and how (the baby) wasn’t getting enough milk and I just wanted to take action on the problem.” He even gave the taste of the breastmilk a pretty high mark. “It was very good. I guess maybe I’d give it a 9,” he said. “I mean, it was a 10 but I don’t want to admit it was a 10.”
@jennandtoni Reply to @leknere #breastfeedingthoughts #storytime #marriedwithkids #marriedlifebelike #marriedlife #MyBrawlSuper #SnowballFightAgainstHunger #fyp