These Charcuterie Bouquets Full Of Meat And Cheese Are Way More Romantic Than Flowers

These Charcuterie Bouquets Full Of Meat And Cheese Are Way More Romantic Than Flowers

If you consider yourself somewhat of a ~romantic~ (or don’t but feel the pressure to be/want to be because you have a special someone in your life who is), you’ve probably defaulted to grabbing some flowers from the gas station to present as evidence of your ability to be super sweet and thoughtful. Well, never again! If you truly want to show someone you care, clearly the only way to go is gifting the object of your affection a charcuterie bouquet. Who doesn’t love a beautifully arranged bit of meat and cheese, so to speak?

  1. I can’t think of anything I’d like to receive more. Flowers are beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but they also die quickly. Charcuterie bouquets, on the other hand, may be eaten quickly (at least by me!), but they’re nice to look at AND delicious. That’s basically two gifts in one! Nothing comes between me and my snacks.
  2. All of your favorite charcuterie board ingredients can go in here. Seriously – all the meats and cheeses you love, fruits, breadsticks, etc. If you like eating it on your regular boards, it can go in your charcuterie bouquet. You’ll need some wooden skewers to stick through some of the items so that they can fit into the arrangement, but with a little bit of elbow grease, you can make it look amazing.
  3. It takes more effort than flowers. Unless you’re a professional florist, chances are you just pick up a pre-made bouquet of flowers and hand them to your romantic interest. With charcuterie bouquets, you actually have to put some effort into it, rolling up the meats into flower shapes (here’s a tutorial if you need help!), skewering the fruits and cheeses, arranging and wrapping the whole thing, etc. The recipient of your bouquet won’t be able to resist it.
  4. You can still add in some real flowers. If you want to fill out the bouquet and make it look fuller/bigger, you can easily do so by adding in some real flowers and foliage so it’s basically the best of both worlds. There’s plenty of inspiration on Instagram as well, so have a scroll.

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.