Chocolate-Covered Dill Pickles Are The Snack You May Not Be Ready For

Chocolate-Covered Dill Pickles Are The Snack You May Not Be Ready For

I consider myself a pretty adventurous snacker and I’ll try anything once. The sweet and savory combo is especially enjoyable, but I do think there’s a limit to how creative you can get with that. For example, chocolate-covered dill pickles are a thing now and it’s one product I’m not quite sure I’m down with it.

  1. Chocolate is great on anything, generally speaking. I love chocolate-covered pretzels, chocolate-covered peanuts, etc. Even plain chocolate on its own is really tasty. However, I do feel like we may have gone a bit too far here in the name of ingenuity!
  2. Dill pickles are all the rage. It seems like every food company has capitalized on the dill pickle love right now, and most of those products have been amazing. Dill pickle popcorn? Sure, why not? Dill pickle Pringles? Yum! Dill pickle vodka? Strange but still intriguing and tasty enough to try. Chocolate-covered dill pickles? Eh, I’m just not sure.
  3. Malley’s Chocolate is behind the new snack. Generally speaking, Mally’s Chocolate makes more conventional and delicious treats like cordial cherries and chocolate assortments. However, their limited-edition chocolate-covered dill pickles were a whole new ballgame. For $9.75 for an 8-oz. box, I feel like I might as well toss my money in the trash because that’s where these will have to go, haha!
  4. Yes, I do realize there’s a market for this. Malley’s Chocolate is actually a super cool company making really delicious chocolate, and the fact that they brought pickles into the mix isn’t all that offensive, especially since there are people out there who will love the combo. I may not be one of them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist!
  5. You could always make your own chocolate-covered dill pickles. Malley’s isn’t offering the product on their website anymore (though if you ask them nicely, they may consider bringing it back), but if you’re intrigued, you can always make your own. Delish has a pretty simple recipe on their website that you could try. If you do, make sure to report back!

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