Why Complicated Women Make The Best Dates

Why Complicated Women Make The Best Dates ©iStock/momcilog

Some people are pretty straightforward. They are who you think they are and there aren’t a lot of surprises. But sometimes dating someone who you can’t really figure out can be a lot of fun, too. Complicated women make things interesting, because they keep you guessing. You could argue that everyone is complicated in their own way, but there are certain types of complicated that always make a date unforgettable.

  1. She has the best stories. A complicated women has led a complicated, and probably not always easy, life. That means she’ll have a few mad stories you’d never hear from anyone else. She’s probably a great conversationalist because she can relate to a lot of different perspectives and have something to add to any discussion.
  2. She’ll go beyond small talk. First dates especially are notorious for being where small talk goes to die. But you can only talk about your favorite movies, where you went to school, and what you like on your pizza for so long. A complicated woman is probably up for skipping the small talk altogether.
  3. She’ll keep your interest. The more you get to know her, the more you’ll realize she’s completely unpredictable. She’s not one of those girls you’ll have figured out within a couple dates, and that’s what makes you excited to see her again every single time.
  4. She has diverse opinions. Complicated women know that the world, and people, are not black and white. She’s open to different perspectives and usually has something insightful to add, because she has experienced more than a lot of people.
  5. She isn’t afraid of a challenge. She’s been through enough that she knows she can continue to get through just about anything. A complicated woman isn’t going to be scared away by a road block or two. She fights for what she wants.
  6. She is a challenge. She may not make everything easy for you, but when you have to work for something, getting it is just that much more satisfying. By the end of one date, you’ll already be thinking about where you can take her on the next one.
  7. She won’t judge you on for flaws. Since she has plenty of baggage of her own, she’s definitely not afraid of yours. She knows everyone has a past, and that doesn’t have to define who they are.
  8. Simple is boring. Everyone has had a date or two (or ten) that was basically fine, but it just wasn’t memorable because there was no passion, no spark, no challenge. Simple might seem preferable at times, but eventually it’s going to lose its appeal. At least complicated is never boring.
  9. She has a variety of interests. She can talk about anything from politics, to science fiction movies, to the best taco place in town. Not only is her personality complicated, but so are her hobbies and interests, which is exactly what makes her a blast to get to know.
By day, Courtney is a digital marketing copywriter living in Toronto, Canada. By night, she's a freelance lifestyle writer who, in addition to Bolde.com, contributes regularly to AmongMen.ca, IN Magazine, and SheBlogs Canada. Want to chat about relationships, Stephen King or your favorite true crime podcast/documentary/book? She's on Twitter @courtooo.