Your Confidence Is At An All-Time Low If You’re Having These 15 Thoughts

Your Confidence Is At An All-Time Low If You’re Having These 15 Thoughts

Ever feel like a bit of a fraud, that everyone else has their act together while you’re barely keeping it afloat? Low confidence has a way of creeping into your thoughts and eroding your self-belief. It can be hard to recognize when your self-esteem has hit rock bottom, but if you recognize any of the following thoughts, it’s time for a serious boost.

“I’m not good enough.”

That horrible “I suck” feeling can seep into everything. It makes you second-guess yourself at work, in relationships – basically, everywhere. You start to think you just don’t have what it takes, and that everyone else is way better than you. This makes it really hard to see yourself clearly and appreciate all the good stuff you bring to the table.

“Everyone else has it figured out but me.”

You see everyone else thriving, and it makes you feel even crappier about yourself. The thing is, you can’t compare your messy behind-the-scenes to someone else’s polished highlight reel on social media. Everyone’s got their own struggles, and focusing on what someone else has won’t make you feel any better. Your path is unique, and it’s time to start appreciating that.

“If they really knew me, they wouldn’t like me.”

It’s like you’re constantly worried someone’s going to figure out you’re faking it. Deep down, you feel like a phony, and if people really knew you, they wouldn’t like you anymore. That fear makes it impossible to relax and truly connect with people. But here’s the thing: everyone has flaws, and that vulnerability is what actually makes relationships real and meaningful.

“I always say the wrong thing.”

You go over every conversation in your head – did I say something dumb? Did they think I was weird? That constant overthinking makes every social situation feel like you’re under a microscope. The truth is, most people are too busy worrying about themselves to scrutinize your every word. Relax, have fun, and remember, you’re probably way more charming than you give yourself credit for!

“I don’t deserve good things.”

You look at big dreams like love or a fulfilling career and think “that’s not for people like me.” Deep down, you don’t believe you actually deserve those good things. But here’s the problem: if you don’t think you’re worthy, you’re going to act in ways that prove yourself right. You deserve great things just as much as anyone – it’s time to start acting like it.

“Why even try? I’ll probably fail anyway.”

Trying new things is terrifying because…what if you fail? It feels easier to stay in your comfort zone than to risk falling flat on your face. But here’s the thing: what if you succeed? Everyone screws up sometimes– it’s how you grow. Instead of seeing failure as the end of the world, see it as valuable feedback for your next attempt.

“I wish I was more like [insert someone else].”

sad guy

You want to be everything to everyone — the perfect friend, partner, employee. You try to become whatever you think people want, but you end up feeling like a fake. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others, focus on your unique strengths and passions. The world needs your authentic, amazing self, not some cookie-cutter version.

“Nobody really cares what I think.”

thoughtful man sitting on the bed

Before you speak, that voice asks, “Does anyone actually care what I have to say?” You play it safe and stay quiet, even if you have a good idea or want to join the conversation. But here’s the thing: your perspective is unique! The world needs to hear your voice, so ditch the self-doubt and speak up!

“I’m going to mess this up.”

sad woman blonde hair on couch

New stuff is terrifying because your brain immediately jumps to worst-case scenarios. Instead of focusing on all the good things that could happen, you convince yourself it’s going to be a disaster. But you have more control over that than you think! Picture things going well. Channel that positive energy, and you might surprise yourself at how much better things go.

“My opinion doesn’t matter.”

upset woman with her head in her hands

You have great ideas, but immediately think, “someone smarter will have a better solution.” It feels easier to go along with whatever everyone else decides, even if you disagree. But your perspective is important and worth sharing! Start trusting yourself more. Challenge yourself to speak up, even in small ways, and watch your decision-making confidence grow.

“I’m not interesting enough.”

Stress, depression or burnout teacher on school floor with

Conversations can be intimidating, so you end up hiding in the background. You think, “Who cares what I have to say?” But everyone has a story, and yours is worth telling! Share those things that make you light up, find people excited about the same stuff, and watch how much more interesting conversations become.

“I can’t handle criticism.”

A sad young man in the living room. He suffers from depression

The tiniest bit of criticism makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide. Instead of looking for the lesson in it, you hear it as proof that you suck. But the thing is, everyone needs feedback to get better. Try to see it as information, not an attack on your character. If something’s unclear, ask for specific examples so you can actually improve.

“Asking for help is weak.”

woman covering her face with hands yellow sweater

Asking for help makes you feel weak, so you try to power through everything on your own. You want everyone to think you’re capable and have your life under control, even when you’re barely hanging on. But guess what? Asking for help is a sign of strength! It shows you’re willing to do what it takes to get better. Test it out– ask someone for help with a small thing and notice how empowering it feels.

“I’ll never be as successful/talented/attractive as them.”

You constantly compare yourself to everyone: your friends, random people on social media, even complete strangers! You focus on what you lack compared to them, and it feels awful. The only comparison that matters is with the past version of yourself. Recognize your growth, celebrate your unique talents, and see if there’s anything to learn from those you admire, rather than just feeling inferior.

“I’m too awkward.”

You feel like everyone knows how awkward you are, so you avoid social situations or just fade into the background. It sucks because you want to connect with people, but the fear feels unbearable. Here’s the thing: everyone feels awkward sometimes! Instead of focusing on yourself, try shifting your focus to the conversation or activity at hand. You might be surprised how relaxing it is to get out of your own head.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.