What Dating Losers Says About You

What Dating Losers Says About You ©iStock/Geber86

Many women seem to think that their dating lives are at the mercy of the universe and ending up with a loser is just “bad luck.” False. Dating an loser isn’t bad luck, it’s bad choice. Bad luck is getting impaled in the butt by a meteorite while you’re sunbathing. You have 100 percent control over the people you let into your life, and that includes the men you date. You choose who you date, and those choices say a lot about you when you when the person you’re with is a gigantic loser.

  1. You have no standards. Everyone should have standards. Without them, you subconsciously trick yourself into thinking it’s acceptable to date the scum of the earth. There’s nothing wrong with expecting a certain set of qualities in a partner. If your standards are completely absent, you might as well date a garden slug or an expired bottle of mustard. Both would be preferable to dating a loser.
  2. You’re a poor judge of character. If you were in a horror movie, you’d be the clueless person that pulls over to pick up the dead-eyed hitchhiker on the side of an abandoned highway at two in the morning. And then you’d believe him when he says his blood-stained machete is for his accounting job. Do you know how you can tell if a guy is a loser? He’ll behave like a loser. If a guy’s obvious BS flies right over your head, your character-judging skills need some serious sharpening. Good thing there’s a machete conveniently lodged in your skull.
  3. You’re in denial. Everyone else can see the loser for who he really is, but you somehow can’t. While your friends and family wince at the dude’s every move, your head is buried so far in the sand that you’re finding fossils from the Triassic Period. Transfixing on the mere fact that you get to use the word “boyfriend” on a daily basis is not an excuse to suddenly go blind to your other half’s crappiness. Wake up.
  4. You have no self-respect. No self-respecting, confident, intelligent woman would give a loser the time of day. Ever. Why should a guy respect you when you don’t even respect yourself? If you want to be treated well, then act accordingly. Don’t sit around moping. Get involved in things that boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself.
  5. You’re afraid of being alone. If you think that being with someone who treats you like crap is better than being single, you have some serious self-esteem problems to work out. Unless the voices in your head are louder when you’re alone, you have nothing to fear about being by yourself. Go forth and be free of all schmucks.
  6. You’re desperate. You’re clearly at the end of the road dating-wise if you’re willing to be with an intolerable loser. Desperation is a skid mark on society’s shabbiest pair of underwear. It repels normal, stable people and draws in unsavory characters. If you run around spraying everyone with murky fluid from your desperation sac, don’t expect to get good results.
  7. You’re weak. “Strong” is not an attribute of those who date loser. People who voluntarily spend time with loser are spineless doormats, and spineless doormats have no place in a world where the zombie apocalypse is fast-approaching. Weakness is a useless survival skill and it serves no purpose in the dating world. Lift some mental barbells and bulk your personality up.
  8. You don’t take responsibility for anything. It’s not necessarily your fault that your latest man friend is a loser, but it is your fault that you’re dating him. Ignoring that fact is a subtle way of telling people that you don’t hold yourself accountable for your own dating life. If you were an aware, responsible person you wouldn’t be dating a loser in the first place. When approaching the terrifying love Kraken that is dating, always maintain awareness and don’t get involved with a loser at all.
  9. You are also a loser. In a way, when you hang out with someone, you’re saying, “I approve of your behavior.” Why would you be hanging out with that person if you didn’t? Birds of a feather flock together. If your boyfriend is a loser, you just might be a loser too. If that is the case, please remove yourselves from society and go live on a remote island. No one wants to deal with the two of you, and your offspring are genetically guaranteed to be a loser as well. The world doesn’t need another reality show featuring people like you.
Lauren Clark is a writer and news curator based in Denver, Colorado with bylines here on Bolde and at Inside.com. While she’s vehemently anti-social media, you can find her on LinkedIn.