Are You Dating A Sex Addict? 10 Signs He’s A Little Too Obsessed With Getting Laid

Are You Dating A Sex Addict? 10 Signs He’s A Little Too Obsessed With Getting Laid

You met a guy and he seems just about perfect. He’s nice, funny, good-looking, and he just gives off a “classic man” sort of vibe. There’s just one little thing about him that’s kind of bugging you—he seems a little TOO into sex. You’re not a prude by any means, but this is downright alarming. Here are some signs you might be dating a sex addict.

  1. He’s a little too controlling. He likes to be in charge when you two are in between the sheets. Always. He picks you up, turns you around, and maneuvers you in the way he likes. You might not be against a guy who knows what he wants, but he takes it to another level of control. You feel like you don’t have a say—it’s all about what he wants.
  2. He’s constantly talking about sex. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, he’s always in the mood to have sex and/or talk about sex. No matter what! Even when he’s busy at work, at lunch with his family, or babysitting his little brother, he still wants to talk dirty to you. Hm, that’s weird. Like, really, really weird. Who the hell is horny while sitting at lunch with their grandmother?!
  3. He doesn’t care if you get off. Good guys seriously care whether or not the girl they like gets off. If he doesn’t, there’s a problem because even if he didn’t really care about you as a person, he’d still sex to feel good for you. This guy pays no attention when you tell him to go faster—he stays at his speed and when he finishes he pulls out and grabs his phone to check his Instagram feed. Uh, WTF?
  4. He keeps his electronics close at all times. Is this guy super protective of his property? What I mean is, does he prefer going to your place? And when he’s there, does he keep his phone hidden? This might not be a HUGE deal—maybe he’s trying to get Hamilton tickets for your birthday and doesn’t want you to know or something—but you have to wonder why a guy would be so secretive about his house and his phone. Ya know? I’m not saying his bedroom wall is filled with naked women, but I’m also not saying it isn’t.
  5. He doesn’t have a good reputation. You’ve heard stories about this guy before. Your friends know him and they know he rolls in the bedroom. They’ve never called him a straight up nymphomaniac, but they’ve warned you about his sex life and how many people they’ve heard he’s slept with. If a guy has a reputation for having too much sex, you should probably leave him alone.
  6. He brags about his encounters. The only reason people know about his sex life is that he advertises it. He’s proud of how many girls he’s slept with and how much kinky sex he’s had. He loves telling people the story about how he  “nailed” three different girls in one day. And he says it like it’s a normal story, but it’s really not.
  7. He pushes you a little too far. A lot of people have strange fantasies and weird fetishes, but if his idea of kinky sex seems a little too extreme, take notice—especially if he keeps pressuring you to get on board with what he wants. If you say no, he should understand what that means and move on. He shouldn’t be manipulating you as if his life depends on you being chained up to a bed wearing kitty ears.
  8. He masturbates after sex. There’s nothing wrong with a guy who masturbates, but a guy who masturbates right after having mind-blowing sex? Concerning. Especially if he does the deed while you’re still in the bed next to him. He can’t even wait until the sun comes up and you go to work before he whips out his ting-a-ling? Yeah, he’s a low key nympho.
  9. He’s never been in a long-term relationship. A red flag should automatically go up whenever you meet a guy in his late 20s who’s never had a long-term relationship. Unless he’s been living under a rock for a quarter of the century, he should have some experience calling someone his girlfriend. If he hasn’t, he probably has commitment issues. Now, if he hasn’t had a serious relationship AND you know for a fact he’s slept with his fair share of ladies, sounds like he’s more into having sex than making love.
  10. You’re starting to think he might be a nymphomaniac. Listen, if you think the guy you’re seeing might be a nymphomaniac, he probably is! And even if he technically isn’t, there’s something clearly off about him if you’re wondering whether or not he’s a sex addict. Follow your gut. Don’t wait until you catch some sort of STD thanks to his sketchy ass behavior. GTFO now.
Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.