You Don’t Have To Be Kinky To Try BDSM — Here’s Why You Should

You Don’t Have To Be Kinky To Try BDSM — Here’s Why You Should

Ever since 50 Shades of Grey brought BDSM into the limelight, people have been wondering whether all the spanking, whips, and chains are worth it. Speaking as someone who’s enjoyed plenty of BDSM sessions, it’s something everyone should try once. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a freak in the sheets, here’s why you might want to let your kinky side out to play:

  1. It adds a new level of intimacy to sex. There is a lot of trust involved in BDSM. There are a lot of different dynamics that can come into play, especially if you decide to to pursue a Master-slave relationship. Because of the nature of BDSM, you’re inherently showing a side of yourself that few will ever get to see, and that alone makes it more intimate that normal vanilla sex.
  2. Many people view BDSM as a way to escape their normal selves. This is why a lot of macho men might want to be submissive in bed, or why a lot of typically reserved people might get very dominant. BSDM allows you to experiment with sides of yourself that normally don’t come out in day-to-day life. This is why many people who practice BDSM talk about “topspace” and “subspace” as their kink state of minds.
  3. It’s not just whips and chains. BDSM is a huge spectrum of different kinks. For example, a lot of BDSM can involve wearing certain clothing like leather, latex or even a fursuit. In other words, there’s likely a kink you’re interested in — you just might not know about it yet.
  4. It might allow you to act out certain fantasies. You know how you might have always wanted to be tied up? Well, actually taking the leap into the world of BSDM would allow that to happen.
  5. It might also allow your significant other to act out their fantasies. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying something new to make your partner feel special or happy. If you’re up for it, why not? It might make them smile.
  6. A good foray into BSDM allows you to explore the subtleties of your sexuality. In many cases, you might not know you’re into something until you actually try it. Similarly, getting into BDSM actually may help you figure out what you’re comfortable with when it comes to finding a partner.
  7. It can also help you explore your body. You might be shocked to find out what parts of your body are sensitive to different kinds of touches.
  8. Your relationship might seriously improve. This is a kind of sex that brings you closer to your partner, and makes you trust them more. Also, it can seriously improve your ability to communicate your wants and needs with your partner.
  9. It’s hot foreplay. If you’ve been wanting to improve your foreplay game, this is a good way to do it.
  10. It can also help you improve your overall emotional state. It’s true. BDSM actually helped me get over a lot of sexual issues I used to have, and it’s always a major confidence boost. I rarely feel as appreciated as when I’m tied up and dominated by a lover.
  11. BDSM also can help you avoid bedroom burnout. Boredom during sex is actually a main reason that long term couples either break up or turn to infidelity. BDSM can help you avoid that.
  12. The funny thing is that BDSM doesn’t have to involve pain. At times, it just involves soft, gentle sensations. So, if you don’t like pain, that doesn’t mean BDSM isn’t for you.
  13. It can also help you explore your lover’s body. You might find new sensitive spots to tease during a session, or you might find out he’s way into a certain kink.
  14. BDSM, when done right, is always safe, sane, and consensual. BDSM gets a bad rap for being dangerous, but it’s actually not. It’s not dangerous or emotionally damaging if you lay out the right ground rules.
  15. It may be able to satisfy your curiosity. Admit it, you’re a bit curious as to what the appeal is. The only way you’ll know is if you try it out.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a New Jersey based writer and editor with bylines in Mashed, Newsbreak, Good Men Project, YourTango, and many more. She’s also the author of a safe travel guide for LGBTQIA+ people available on Amazon.

She regularly writes on her popular Medium page and posts on TikTok and Instagram @ossianamakescontent.