Eye-Opening Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves Before It’s Too Late

Eye-Opening Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves Before It’s Too Late

A bit of self-reflection is not only healthy, it’s a necessity for gaining greater self-awareness. It helps you assess where you’re at and where you’d like to go and also allows you to get to know yourself on a deeper level and build a relationship with yourself. If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to delving deep, here are some questions everyone should ask themselves before life passes them by and it’s too late to change anything.

1. What am I passionate about and why?

Life’s too short to spend it doing things that don’t light a fire in you. Think about what you love – be it art, science, sports, or anything in between. Are you giving yourself enough time to pursue these passions? If not, why? Remember, following your passion doesn’t always mean a career change. It could be as simple as dedicating more time to your hobbies or finding ways to integrate what you love into your daily life. It’s about making sure your passions have a place in your world.

2. Am I holding on to things I should let go of?

We all have baggage – old grudges, past relationships, or even outdated dreams. Reflect on what you’re holding onto and ask yourself if it’s still serving a purpose in your life. Letting go can be tough, but it can also be incredibly freeing. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting; it’s about acknowledging that some things belong in the past. It’s a step towards moving forward and making space for new experiences and growth.

3. Have I found meaningful love? (Sweetn can help with that if you haven’t.)

While this doesn’t have to be in the form of a romantic relationship, if long-term companionship is something you want but can’t seem to find, our sister site, Sweetn, may be able to help. It’s not a dating app — it’s a site that has personalized advice, tips, and tricks to reshape your mind and overhaul your love life in some incredible ways. Chem them out here.

4. How do I handle things outside of my control?

It’s easy to get stressed about things we can’t change. Think about how you react to situations beyond your control. Do you get easily upset, or are you able to roll with the punches? Learning to differentiate between what you can and can’t control is crucial. Focusing on your reactions and what you can do can help reduce stress and make you feel more empowered.

5. Am I prioritizing my mental and physical health?

In the rush of everyday life, our own well-being often takes a back seat. But your health is the foundation on which everything else is built. Are you taking care of yourself physically and mentally? If not, what small changes can you start with? Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to mean big lifestyle overhauls. It can be as simple as getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, or taking short breaks to clear your mind during a hectic day.

6. What kind of relationships am I pursuing?

The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our lives. Reflect on your relationships – are they positive and supportive, or do they leave you feeling drained? Are you investing time in the people who matter most?

Cultivating healthy relationships means giving time and energy to those who bring positivity into your life. It’s also about setting boundaries with those who don’t contribute positively.

7. Am I being true to myself?

This is all about authenticity. Are you living in a way that aligns with your values and beliefs? Or are you trying to fit into someone else’s idea of who you should be? Being true to yourself is key to living a fulfilling life.

Staying true to yourself means making choices that resonate with your inner self. It’s about being honest about your likes, dislikes, and what you stand for. This authenticity attracts the right people and opportunities into your life.

8. Do I recognize my achievements and celebrate them?

Sometimes we’re our own toughest critics and forget to give ourselves a pat on the back. Reflect on your achievements, big and small. Are you acknowledging your successes and allowing yourself to feel proud? Celebrating your wins isn’t just about self-congratulation; it’s about recognizing your progress and efforts. Start by acknowledging your daily wins, even if they seem minor. Finished a project? Nailed a workout? Reached out to a friend? Give yourself some credit. This practice can boost your confidence and motivation, reminding you of your capabilities and strengths.

9. How am I contributing to things bigger than myself?

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own lives, but think about your impact on the wider world. Are you contributing positively to your community, environment, or a cause you care about? Engaging in something bigger than yourself can be incredibly fulfilling and give you a sense of purpose.

You don’t have to make grand gestures. Small acts, like volunteering, being environmentally conscious, or simply helping out a neighbor, can make a big difference. It’s about being part of a community and making a positive mark on the world around you.

10. Am I letting fear dictate my choices?

Fear can be sneaky and sometimes calls the shots without us even realizing it. Reflect on the decisions you’re making – are they coming from a place of fear or from a place of ambition and hope? It’s natural to feel fear, but it becomes a problem when it stops you from taking chances or pursuing what you truly want.

Try to identify what you’re afraid of and why. Is it fear of failure, rejection, or something else? Understanding your fears is the first step in overcoming them. Remember, most of the time, what’s on the other side of fear is growth and opportunity.

11. How am I spending my free time?

Your free time is like a blank canvas – how you fill it can say a lot about your priorities and interests. Are you using your free time in ways that enrich your life and bring you joy, or are you letting it slip away unproductively? This isn’t about being busy all the time, but rather making sure your leisure activities align with what makes you feel fulfilled.

Evaluate how you spend your downtime. If there’s a hobby you’ve neglected or a skill you’ve wanted to learn, why not dive in? Using your free time in meaningful ways can enhance your overall happiness and satisfaction with life.

12. Have I made peace with my past?

The past can be a tricky thing. It shapes us, but it can also hold us back. Take some time to think about your past, especially the parts that you struggle with. Have you come to terms with them? If not, what’s stopping you?

Making peace with your past doesn’t mean you have to be okay with everything that happened. It’s about accepting that it’s a part of your story and recognizing that it doesn’t define your future.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.