Fans Believe Bizarre Theory That Eminem Died In 2006 And Was Replaced By A Clone

One of the most bizarre and most terrifying parts of the internet has to be the wild ideas people come up with and present as truth. Case in point: there’s a conspiracy theory going around claiming that Eminem actually died back in 2006 and was replaced by a clone who’s been pretending to be the rapper ever since. If that seems strange and downright unbelievable to you, don’t worry – you’re not alone.

  1. What’s this Eminem conspiracy theory all about and where did it come from? It seems to have resulted from the fact that Eminem’s voice has changed over the years and he now sounds different than he did at the beginning of his career. While there’s a totally natural explanation for this – vocal strain, aging, etc – the conspiracy theory instead asserts that we’re not watching Eminem at all anymore but a clone of him (and apparently not a very good one).
  2. A Spanish website helped fan the Eminem conspiracy theory. La Guia Del Varon addressed him as an “android clone” and claimed (with absolutely zero context or proof) that Eminem actually died in a car accident back in 2006. In order for fans to not be disappointed and for the record companies to continue making money off of him, they replaced him with a clone and tried to convince everyone nothing had changed.
  3. Fans picked up on the bizarre idea and ran with it. While this seems like a conspiracy theory that’s clearly ridiculous, many Eminem fans think there’s a ring of truth to it. After all, why else would his face look different now, nearly 25 years after he first burst onto the scene? “Yeah I believe he is a clone it doesn’t even look like him anymore and his eyes are dead,” one fan wrote.
  4. There are other bits of “proof” fans claim support the idea of an Eminem clone. Supporters of the conspiracy theory claim that ever since 2006, when the real Eminem supposedly died, he’s made “significant changes” to his lyrical stylings and has even changed the way he dresses. They go on to say that he now puts “a great emphasis on the hip hop lifestyle” and has a “much darker” style. They even accused him of “glitching” during a live ESPN report back in 2013. By 2016, when rapper B.o.B. started making wild accusations about human cloning having been around for years, believers of the Eminem conspiracy theory really felt they were onto something.
  5. Things took an even stranger turn in 2019. That’s when Tom Macdonald released “Cloned Rappers,” a song which claimed that ‘Illuminati took bone samples to clone rappers’ and then put the real rappers in prison to ‘silence their vision.’ Sure, that sounds legit.
  6. Thankfully, not everyone is falling for the nonsense. As one fan bluntly put it: “The idea that he’s a clone is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories ever. That song from Tom was one of the worst songs he’s put out. As people age, they grow and change as a person.”

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