Florida Dog Puts Car Into Reverse And Drives In Circles For An Hour—VIDEO

Florida Dog Puts Car Into Reverse And Drives In Circles For An Hour—VIDEO

While leaving your dog in the car for long periods of time, locking your furry friend in for a few minutes here and there is NBD… or at least it shouldn’t be. One Florida dog decided to go on the ride of his life while his owner ran a quick errand, resulting in an hour-long adventure he’ll never forget.

Read on to hear more about the incident as well as view a video at the end.

  1. Who knew dogs could drive? The black labrador somehow managed to get the grey sedan into reverse and off it went, going around in a 360-degree circle over and over again for what seemed like forever. The cul-de-sac in Port St. Lucie, Florida where it happened have never seen so much action!
  2. Everyone was pretty confused. The idea of a dog driving a car is pretty crazy. How did the dog get into the car and how did it put it in reverse and start going for a joyride? As neighborhood resident Anna Sabol told local news affiliate WPTV, “I figured, How the heck did they manage to do that?” How the heck did they do that indeed!
  3. The dog was a pretty good driver, apparently. Sabol added that she was impressed by the pup’s road skills, saying, “I laughed. I thought they should give that dog a license to drive. He was a better driver than a lot of them I’ve seen.” Throwing shade on your fellow Florida drivers, Anna. I like it!!
  4. He did have a minor accident. While the car was mostly going in complete circles, the sedan did hit a mailbox, a trashcan, and a few bricks stacked in front of someone’s home. These were all relatively minor casualties, however, considering it was a DOG driving a car!! “He was doing pretty good until he hit the mailbox. He went around for about an hour without hitting anything at all,” Sabor said. Thankfully, no humans or pups were injured.
  5. The dog was loving it. Sabol said she saw the dog get out of the car and it was wagging its tail like crazy. That joyride was probably the most fun it had in a long time!

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