10 Ways To Find Your Talents Even If You Don’t Think You Have Any

10 Ways To Find Your Talents Even If You Don’t Think You Have Any

Everyone has things they’re good at — and could potentially even be great at with a bit of effort and time. You don’t have to be the world’s greatest anything to still be pretty impressive, and if you don’t think you have any talents, it’s probably because you haven’t discovered what they are yet. Here’s how to find your talents so you can hone them and put them to good use.

1. Try New Things.

Exploring new activities is like opening doors to rooms you’ve never entered. Each activity offers a chance to discover something you’re naturally good at. For example, you might sign up for a pottery class and find you have a knack for shaping clay, or join a coding workshop and realize you have a talent for problem-solving. The key is to keep an open mind and not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Remember, you don’t need to excel immediately. Sometimes, a talent is revealed through consistent practice and growing interest.

2. Reflect on What You Enjoy.

Your passions often lead you to your talents. Think about what activities you look forward to or what hobbies you lose yourself in. It could be something as simple as doodling, gardening, or playing video games. These enjoyable activities might be more than just hobbies; they could be indicators of your innate talents. For example, if you love doodling, you might have a talent for visual arts. Or, if you find joy in assembling and fixing things, mechanical or engineering skills might be your forte.

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4. Look Back to Your Childhood.

Our childhood interests and activities can be a treasure trove of clues about our inherent talents. Think back to what you loved doing when you were younger. Maybe you spent hours building intricate structures with blocks (a sign of spatial intelligence or engineering skills) or you were the go-to storyteller among your friends (indicating creative writing or storytelling abilities). These early interests can point you toward talents that have been with you since childhood.

5. Notice What People Ask for Your Help With.

The requests you receive from other people can reveal your areas of expertise. If friends always turn to you for help with their math problems, you likely have a talent for numbers. If they seek your advice on personal matters, you might have strong interpersonal and empathetic skills. Pay attention to these requests, as they can highlight skills and talents that others naturally associate with you. Once you find your talents, you can realize your potential.

6. Take Online Quizzes.

While they might not be scientifically accurate, online quizzes can be fun and revealing. They often ask questions that make you think about your preferences, strengths, and interests in ways you might not have considered. For example, a quiz on career aptitude might highlight your strengths in areas like creativity, analytical skills, or communication. The results can give you a starting point for exploring talents you haven’t fully considered or realized.

7. Explore What You Find Easy.

Sometimes, what comes naturally to us doesn’t feel like a talent because it’s so effortless. Take a step back and think about the tasks or activities you find easy, that others might struggle with. This could be anything from being able to quickly learn new languages, being good at organizing events, or having a natural ability with animals. These easy-to-you activities can be your hidden talents, valuable and worth developing.

8. Join Clubs or Groups.

Getting involved in clubs, groups, or community activities can expose you to new experiences and skills. For instance, joining a drama club might reveal a talent for acting or scriptwriting, while being part of a sports team could uncover athletic abilities or leadership skills. These groups provide a supportive environment where you can experiment and discover new talents with less pressure.

9. Embrace Challenges.

Facing challenges head-on can bring out talents you didn’t know you had. When you’re pushed out of your comfort zone, you might find yourself excelling in ways you hadn’t imagined. This could be successfully leading a challenging project, navigating a difficult situation, or learning a complex skill under pressure. The way you handle these challenges can shed light on your hidden strengths and capabilities.

10. Keep an Open Mind.

Keeping an open mind is crucial in discovering your talents. Avoid pigeonholing yourself with thoughts like “I’m not the creative type” or “I’ve never been good at sports.” Be open to the possibility that you have talents in areas you’ve never explored. This openness can lead to trying new things and uncovering skills and abilities you never knew you had.

11. Ask for Feedback.

Getting an outside perspective can be eye-opening. Friends, family, and teachers often notice things about us that we overlook. They can see potential and abilities that we might undervalue or not even realize we possess. Start a conversation with them about your strengths. Ask questions like, “What do you think I’m good at?” or “What skills do you think I should develop?” You might be surprised at what they see in you – talents in communication, leadership, creativity, or empathy that you haven’t recognized in yourself.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.