How To Know If You’re Conventionally Attractive: 32 Obvious Signs You’re Attractive To Other People

How To Know If You’re Conventionally Attractive: 32 Obvious Signs You’re Attractive To Other People

It’s not always easy to look at ourselves objectively, and sometimes we can be so focused on our flaws that it’s hard to see all the beauty we possess. While that may be in the eye of the beholder, it’s only natural to wonder if you’re conventionally attractive. Are you? Read on to find out.

1. Other attractive people want to date you.

smiling young guy walking through town

The most obvious sign that you’re attractive is if other people who are conventionally attractive want to date you. Do hot guys match with you on Tinder? That’s a clue. However, this one isn’t always as telling because sometimes you can be too attractive for guys to ask you out (they’re intimidated!) or something about your personality might scare them off.

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2. You fit into a conventional set of standards set by social media and Hollywood.

trendy woman outside on sunny day

I couldn’t write this article without including this part. Unfortunately, there is a set of standards that we seem to hold people to when it comes to physical appearance. If you’re in what’s deemed a “healthy” BMI, you’re of average height, your facial features are fairly symmetrical, and you shower every day, you can probably rest assured that you are indeed attractive.

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3. You smell nice.

couple sharing romantic kiss outdoors

It seems odd to think that your scent could make you more attractive, but it’s true. Research has found that the nicer you smell, the more people are drawn to you. Think about it: How often have you wanted to cuddle up in your ex’s hoodie or snuggle into their skin to inhale their scent?

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4. People often stare at you.

Everywhere you go, people are always looking at you. Whether you’re at the mall, the bank, the gym, or the pool, you’re always catching people staring at you and it can make you self-conscious. Unless you’re wearing a giant furry bathrobe and fuzzy slippers everywhere you go or some other odd thing, chances are that people are probably staring at you because you’re cute.

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5. People like your photos a lot on social media.

guy texting out on city street

That being said, this isn’t a foolproof sign. If your selfies aren’t amassing hundreds of likes by your followers, they might just not care for selfies, so don’t worry too much. That, or you may not have a lot of followers. Either way, social media isn’t always a good judge of your attractiveness. Remember, all those likes don’t mean much in person.

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6. Perfect strangers smile at you.

Unless you look like you’re in need of help (think: crying in the middle of a public area), people who smile at you most likely think you’re a hottie. Give them a smile back and your hotness meter will go up!

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7. You’re always smiling too.

handsome guy walking down the street

You’re a naturally upbeat person and you’re always able to look on the bright side of life. Wherever you go, there’s usually a genuine smile on your face. That’s not just attractive, it’s incredibly charming. It makes you appear approachable, laid-back, and a total pleasure to be around. Research has proven it.

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8. You’re attractive if you feel attractive.

A beautiful young Hispanic woman enjoying a warm cup of coffee for breakfast. One mixed race female drinking tea while looking at the view from a window in her apartment

Honestly, if you think you’re attractive, other people will find you attractive. This is one of those “fake it ’til you make it” times. If you start assuming you’re attractive, people will treat you as such. When they treat you like you’re attractive, you’ll start to believe it more, and the cycle will continue. See how well that works?

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9. You have natural chemistry with a lot of people.

If you and the guy you’re currently dating seem to have a lot of chemistry, he most definitely finds you attractive. Sometimes the attraction comes first, but not always. Other times, you develop chemistry over time and the attraction grows. Either way, he’s definitely into you!

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10. You never get approached by men.

If you get approached a lot, you’re probably attractive. And if you get approached once in a while, you’re probably attractive. But what if you never get approached? It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not attractive. In fact, sometimes guys are too scared to approach the most attractive girl in the room, fearing she’s out of their league or assuming she’s already in a relationship. Another thing that can happen is you can be extremely attractive but not look approachable. Either you look really intimidating or you look like you might have a bad attitude.

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11. You get preferential treatment.

young smiling millennial guy in street

You may not even realize it’s happening, but this is a definite sign of being conventionally attractive. It’s been scientifically proven that hot people have it better in life. They’re more likely to be hired for jobs, they’re thought to be happier and healthier even if they’re not, and they also tend to make more money. If you find that everything seems to always be coming up [insert your name here], that’s a good sign.

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12. You’re absolutely attractive if people tell you that you are.

If multiple people have told you how gorgeous you are, stop worrying and start believing them! Most people wouldn’t bring this up unless they really think so. Smile with those pearly whites and say thank you! You’re a cutie!

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13. People make eye contact with you all the time.

smiling hipster guy looking up outside

People love making eye contact with those they find attractive. That could be for a number of reasons, whether because they want to catch your attention or just because they can’t help but keep their gazes fixed on someone who’s so visually appealing.

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14. Total strangers compliment you.

If you regularly receive compliments on the clothes you wear, how your hair is styled, or anything else about your physical appearance while you’re out and about in the world, this is a huge sign that people find you attractive. It’s one thing to think it, but they obviously feel strong enough that they need to tell you.

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15. People raise their eyebrows when they look at you.

This is a strange but true subconscious reaction that someone has seen something appealing/that they really like. This means you’re hot. Sure, it sounds a little bit cliche and like something that would happen in a ’90s cologne commercial, but it definitely happens.

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16. People seem nervous around you.

For some reason, a lot of people get nervous around attractive people. Whether they feel intimidated by you or you simply put them on edge because you’re so hot, it’s like they don’t know what to do around you. And it’s not just men who get tongue-tied around you, either — the same happens with women!

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17. Random acts of kindness are a regular part of your life.

Do people regularly hold doors open for you? Have you gotten free upgrades to business class when flying or freebies when you’re out for dinner? If people are bestowing random acts of kindness on you, it could be that they’re not all that random.

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18. Friends are always keen to set you up with other attractive people.

two female friends laughing at phone

One of the biggest signs that you’re conventionally attractive is when people find ways to set you up with other attractive folks. They know you’re high-tier, so they want you to find someone who’s on your level.

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19. You look “healthy.”

Runner couple, street and nature in summer, mountains or countryside in fitness workout, wellness or health. Man, woman and teamwork running on road for training, exercise or self care in sunshine

While you can’t tell whether someone is healthy or not simply by looking at them, there are certain traits that send the message that you’re doing well. Those include clear skin, being well-groomed and practicing good hygiene, having long and thick hair, and having bright eyes. Don’t blame men for being superficial. It’s all about biology.

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20. People remember little details about you.

woman long hair staring at camera

While most people don’t pay attention to little things people tell them, if you find that even the most random detail sticks in people’s minds about you — like, say, that you only like peanut butter M&Ms or that you always ask for extra pickles at McDonald’s, they’re likely listening to everything you say a whole lot more because you’re attractive.

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21. You’re always included in people’s social plans.

smiling young man in front of pink wall

Simply put, people like having you around. Sure, you have an amazing personality, but you’re also great to look at, which is an added bonus. Having you out and about in the group is a major upgrade, so your social calendar is always stacked. So much so that you can’t always keep up!

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22. You always get strangers chatting to you when you’re out and about.

Beautiful mixed race creative business woman shaking hands with a female colleague. Two young female african american designers making a deal. A handshake to congratulate a coworker on their promotion

Whether you’re standing in line at the grocery store or taking your dog to the vet, random strangers can’t help but initiate small talk with you. Because you look good, people also assume that you’re approachable and friendly (which we’re totally sure you are).

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23. People’s faces light up when you enter a room.

No matter what’s going on and how many other people are around, the vibe always changes when you walk into a room. When people find you attractive, your presence always brings way more energy and intensity with it, and you can definitely tell. People seem genuinely excited to see you, and that feels amazing.

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24. Men get very touchy-feely with you.

Heck, even women do! When you’re having a conversation as an attractive woman, people tend to invade your personal space. They lean in to get closer and stand a lot nearer to you than they would to other people because they’re naturally drawn to you.

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25. People often turn their heads to look at you as you walk past.

Delivery, selfie and portrait of a man in the city while doing courier

It’s like they’re doing a double-take because they can’t believe someone so hot just walked by. The first time it happened, you didn’t think anything of it. However, now it’s so common that you know it’s definitely more than coincidental.

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26. You have a symmetrical face.

It sounds weird to say that the shape of your face would determine whether or not you’re conventionally attractive, but it’s true. CUNY biology professor Nathan H. Lents says that we’re hard-wired to prefer more symmetrical features. “Facial symmetry is universally associated with beauty and attractiveness in both sexes and in sexual and non-sexual contexts,” he explains. “The most well-supported theory for this is that our species has evolved to recognize symmetry, if unconsciously, as a proxy for good genes and physical health.”

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27. People laugh a lot around you.

diverse group of friends laughing

Yes, you’re hilarious and have a great sense of humor, but because you’re conventionally attractive, people find you super funny and they’re always happy around you. When you’re there, the mood is always great.

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28. Even though they’re not close to you, people feel protective of you.

This can be a little annoying at times because you’re a grown woman who knows how to take care of herself. Nevertheless, people can’t help but feel protective of you and want to go out of their way to make sure you’re okay. It’s not that they see you as fragile, but they do associate your appearance with your value and they naturally want to shield you from any harm.

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29. People’s pupils dilate when they’re talking to you.

Two happy young people are laughing while sitting at a table in indoor café

Again, this is another physiological response that people have no control over but that’s very telling. When people see an attractive woman, their dopamine levels increase and their pupils dilate. Even if they try to pretend that they don’t like you (and to be honest, why would they?), their eyes tell the truth.

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30. You’re the go-to person for advice and opinions.

two women having a conversation on park bench

It seems strange to say that your opinions are valued more because you’re conventionally attractive, but people are simple-minded and believe that you’re somehow in the know because you look good. And hey, maybe you do! It’s nice that people value your feedback, anyway.

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31. It’s common for people to try to mirror your mannerisms and style.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, as they say. If you find that other women try to be more like you in the way they dress or speak, or even if men mirror your speech patterns and habits, you can bet it’s because they find you attractive and want to be more like you. It’s hard to be offended by that!

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32. You radiate confidence.

happy woman hands on hipsiStock

A lot of times, your attitude has more to do with attractiveness than your overall look. If you’re putting out a confident vibe (but stopping short of arrogance), people will be attracted to you. Most men find confidence sexy, so flaunt yourself!

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