How Not To Be So Uptight And Get a Sense of Humor

How Not To Be So Uptight And Get a Sense of Humor

Do you ever wonder why all your friends seem to have more fun than you? Have you thought that maybe you’re the one to blame? If so, here are 15 ways you can let go of those uptight habits and learn to embrace a new sense of humor.

1. Understand why you’re uptight.

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Like most things, if you don’t get to the root of the problem then you’re only addressing what’s on the surface. If you’re really uptight and don’t handle change, it’s likely you have an event in your past or your childhood that’s the cause. It may be difficult to work through, but knowing what triggers your uptightness will help you overcome and manage it.

2. See the error of your ways.

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You may not realize it, but being uptight could be stopping you from getting second dates or making new friends. It sounds harsh, but this is a wake-up call you have to answer—if you don’t accept that your demeanor is causing issues, you’ll never get your sense of humor back. Acceptance is the first step!

3. Take more risks in your life.

Rear view shot of attractive young woman sitting on back of her boyfriend riding bike through village road.

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You can start small, like by going to your favorite restaurant and ordering something different. Once you see that you can take a low-stakes risk and still come out of it with a good result (in this case, a tasty) meal, you will realize it is possible to stop being uptight. Successful jokes always have an element of risk, because you never know if other people will laugh. This will start to demystify your fear of letting go. By being more open to failure you’ll also learn from your mistakes and be able to laugh at yourself!

4. Meet new people and get new perspectives.

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This is a great opportunity to get out of your head and meet new, like-minded people. Interacting with and embracing people you wouldn’t normally hang out with can break you out of your shell and make you less tightly wound. We all have different senses of humor based on our experiences, so being exposed to a new kind of humor could be good for you.

5. Start reading hilarious books for fun.

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If you’re worried that years of being uptight have left you with a subpar sense of humor, you need to start getting in on the jokes. So much humor is linked to current affairs or pop culture, so start reading up! Find a few iconic memoirs of comedians or people you think are funny. Just call it research.

6. Embrace new experiences out of your comfort zone.

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A lot of humor relies on being uncomfortable and able to laugh at yourself. If you always stay in your comfort zone, that’ll be hard to do. To get yourself out of your shell, you need to start having new experiences. For example, go paintballing with strangers or take a day trip to a nearby town and let the itinerary unfold organically without making a plan! You’ll have fun even when you’re not controlling everything, promise.

7. Make a habit of doing one new thing every day.

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Even if you just try a new recipe or go to a new coffee shop, you’re showing yourself that the risk of trying something new is always worth it. Especially when the reward is great coffee and wonderful food! People who can manage change in their lives often have a well-rounded sense of humor too.

8. Ask your friends for tips and recommendations.

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Your friends will want to help you stop taking life so seriously—after all, they want you to have fun with them. You love your friends and find them funny, so why not do your research? Ask them what they find funny, or what comedians they enjoy. Get your sense of humor back by doing some market research and having a laugh yourself. Once you’re on the same page as your friends you all get to roll around laughing together.

9. Go to a comedy club.

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A comedy club where cynical Arts majors complain about their dumpster-fire lives may not seem like a natural fit for an uptight person. And that’s precisely why you should do it. You’ll learn a few one-liners, get over your initial judgments, and, most importantly, have fun! Plus, even if the act is useless, you had a nice night out!

10. Ask your friends why they think you’re uptight.

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If you’re in the mood for receiving some feedback, ask your friends what bad habits you have that keep you uptight so you can change them. You might get your feelings hurt but it’ll mean you’re never uptight again. Get a bottle of wine flowing and you’ll laugh through the tears.

11. Adopt a ‘do it for the story’ mentality.

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If it helps you get out of your shell, try thinking in a new way. Say “yes” to new experiences and bar crawls and let yourself loose. The funniest stories always get the most attention. Even if you’re scared of feeling out of control, think about the new memories and fun stories you’ll get to tell. The more chaotic the story ends up being, the funnier it is!

12. Enrich your brain with new content.

woman studying at home.

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The more you rewatch comfort movies, the more your brain stays the same. In other words: If you’re watching uninteresting content, it makes you less interesting. Find new podcasts, book clubs, or social media accounts to follow—popular culture is your friend. The more bold and brash the content you consume, the more you mimic it and get your flair back.

13. Don’t be afraid to hate watch stuff.

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If you have a negative opinion about something popular, people will listen to you. Tearing people down may not be the most wholesome activity, but boy is it fun to do. People will see you as a risk-taker and someone who isn’t afraid to be controversial—that’s ideal if you want people to find you bold and hilarious.

14. Make fun of yourself.

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Making fun of yourself and being relaxed enough to laugh at your mistakes is super charming. If you’re trying to embrace your funny side and be less uptight, step number one is to make jokes at your own expense. It might feel weird at first, but allowing people to see you for who you are (flaws and all) rather than controlling how you’re perceived can help you shake those uptight tendencies.

15. Hang out with the funniest person you know.

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This is an obvious one. Think about the people in your life that get you rolling on the floor laughing. Think about all the out-of-pocket things they say to get you to laugh, even when you’ve had a bad day. If you want to get your sense of humor back, learn from the best.

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Hannah has a Masters degree in Romantic and Victorian literature in Scotland and spends her spare time writing anything from essays to short fiction about the life and times of the frogs in her local pond! She loves musical theatre, football, anything with potatoes, and remains a firm believer that most of the problems in this world can be solved by dancing around the kitchen to ABBA. You can find her on Instagram at @_hannahvic.