The Zodiac Signs Ranked From Nicest To Meanest

The Zodiac Signs Ranked From Nicest To Meanest

If you’re someone who believes wholeheartedly in astrology, you probably also subscribe to the idea that the planetary alignment at the time of your birth is largely responsible for the type of person you become. And while you can’t judge someone based on their star sign, you have to admit there are some overarching personality types that tend to come through depending on where you land on the zodiac. Here are the signs ranked from nicest to meanest — sorry, I don’t make the rules!


If there was a zodiac sign deserving of the “nicest” title, it’s the caring, nurturing Cancer. These motherly souls radiate warmth and empathy, providing a cozy, safe haven for everyone they meet. Cancers will happily lend an attentive ear while doling out thoughtful acts of service. Sure, their moods and clinginess can be a lot, but their huge hearts embrace everyone with unconditional love and acceptance like a snuggly blanket.


You can count on steady, reliable Tauruses to be pillars of unwavering support. These grounded earth signs stick by your side through any problem without flinching. Their stubbornness is frustrating at times and their laziness can be maddening, but Taurus’ patient, loyal nature provides much-needed stability. They may move slowly, but they’ll devotedly show up for you every single time.


Aquarians march to the beat of their own unique, humanitarian drum. One minute they’ll seem disconnected from mundane reality, then suddenly bestow eye-opening perspectives that showcase their brilliant intellectual depth. While their lofty philosophies and aloof quirkiness can feel alienating, Aquarians ultimately want to make the world a better, more progressive place in their unique way.


Life is a roller coaster of emotions with the sensitive Pisces swimmers on board. Their empathetic nature allows them to intuit others’ feelings and nurture with care and compassion. However, their extreme moodiness coupled with oversensitivity means one wrong look or comment can prompt an extreme tsunami of hurt, tears, and feeling wronged that’s impossible to rationally navigate.


Polite and well-mannered on the surface, Libras desperately avoid any potential conflict or confrontation that could disrupt their curated veneer of harmony. This often manifests in frustratingly vague people-pleasing and empty promises just to divert from any contentious situation — not exactly genuine support. Their indecisiveness and flakiness can undermine their best intentions.


Don’t confuse brutal honesty with brutal insensitivity — that’s just how these blunt archers operate. Sags will candidly share their unfiltered thoughts and opinions, whether you want to hear it or not. Their oblivious tactlessness inevitably steps on others’ feelings at times. Pair that with their distracted nature, constantly seeking fresh experiences, and Sags’ flightiness makes them undependable partners.


Virgos generally aim to be helpful through offering thoughtful advice and solutions. The issue arises when their obsession with logic, reason, and perfection leads to relentless nit-picking of any perceived flaw or mistake — intended as mere “constructive criticism”, of course. Their hypercritical skepticism and unwavering belief that their way is the right way seems self-righteous and condescending.


Geminis’ cheery, sociable personas are endearing…until you realize their fickle nature means they could effortlessly turn on you just as quickly. Their dueling personalities create inevitable inconsistencies and deceptions as they adapt like chameleons to each situation. One second they’re your confidante, the next they’ve spilled your secrets through mindless gossip. Keeping up is exhausting.


Like perpetually needy divas, Leos often crave validation and being the center of attention at all times. Their boisterous theatrics and arrogant self-importance quickly go from charming to insufferable as everything circles back to massaging their prestigious egos. Undermining a Leo’s grandiose image? Get ready for tantrums of roaring criticism coming your way.


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So hyperfocused on ladder-climbing success and ambitious career goals, Capricorns frequently become closed-off, unavailable workaholics who view emotions, relationships and any obstacles as weaknesses to be stomped over. Their rigidly practical, status-obsessive mindset sometimes alienates, especially when they use people as rungs to scale higher without regret or ethical qualms. Sentiment ain’t their thing.


For Aries, the world sadly does frequently revolve around them and their impulsive desires. These feisty rams will unapologetically charge ahead with bravado, trampling anyone in their heroically self-centered way. Trying to make them consider other perspectives or the need for patience will only prompt stubborn temper tantrums from these me-first hothead children masquerading as adults.


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Scorpios were born to bask in intensity, obsessiveness, and yes, sheer meanness at times. Paranoia sometimes fuels their brooding negativity and knack for holding permanent grudges over any slight, twisting it into elaborately vindictive plots for payback. One disagreement with their passionate controlling nature, and they’ll mercilessly sting and covertly undermine you for life with unrepentant ruthlessness. Good luck earning back a Scorpio’s respect.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.