You want love in your life but you’re not sure how to get it. Sure, you could wait around thinking it’ll just fall into your lap, but that’s not likely to happen. Instead, you have to take action to draw the thing (and the person) you want to you. That might sound complicated and a little too hard, but I promise it’s not. Here’s how to manifest someone in only a few steps.
- Figure out exactly what you want. You can’t begin to manifest someone to you if you’re not even sure who it is you want. While it’s important that you’re not too rigid with your checklist and you don’t immediately rule out anyone who doesn’t fit every last specification you’ve dreamed up, it is important to have a general idea of your ideal partner — qualities they might have, things they might be passionate about — so that you have more of a chance of finding them.
- Visualize what your future with this person will look like. Go beyond simply daydreaming about your future partner. Instead, let your mindset shift to a place where you already have them. What does your future with this person look like? What do you do together, how do you feel supported by one another, how is life different once you’ve found them? This visualization exercise can go a long way in helping you to manifest not just anyone but that special someone you’ve been waiting for.
- Let go of your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are the ideas we have about ourselves and the world around us that limit our opportunities. Quite often, these beliefs have no basis in reality and are simply things we tell ourselves because of bad experiences, poor self-esteem, etc. In order to manifest someone special in your life, you must let go of these beliefs so that you can be truly open to receiving what the universe has in store for you.
- Live as if you’ve already received who you’re looking for. Life doesn’t start once you find a relationship. It’s happening right now, this very second, and it’s precious and short. Live right now as if the person you’re dreaming about finding is already here. Do all the things you’ve been dreaming of doing and let your heart be full with the knowledge that something really special is coming your way.
- Continue to exude positive energy. Along the same lines as the previous item, it’s all about putting out good energy. The ability to always see the silver lining on every cloud is a gift and it’s one that will work wonders when it comes to drawing the people and things you want in life towards you. Keep the positivity no matter what life throws at you and you’ll be surprised at how much it improves your day-to-day.
- Make moves when opportunities present themselves to you. While it’s good to visualize things and put good energy out there, you also have to be prepared to make moves when they’re out there. When the person you believe you’ve been manifesting is right there in front of your eyes, it’s up to you to step up to the plate and make a move to bring them even closer. It takes a little bit of effort but in the end, it’ll be well worth it.