If You Do Any Of These Things, You’re Not A Very Disciplined Person

If You Do Any Of These Things, You’re Not A Very Disciplined Person

You like to think of yourself as having it together in life, but you may have some habits that indicate the truth is quite the opposite. If you do any of these things, chances are you’re not the motivated, disciplined person you imagine yourself to be in your head.

1. You Hit Snooze Like It’s a Game.

If your morning routine involves a battle with the snooze button, guess what? You might be lacking a bit in the discipline department. It’s like playing whack-a-mole with your alarm clock. Every smack of that snooze button is a tiny surrender to temptation, trading a few more Z’s for the rush of getting ready in warp speed. It’s a small thing, but how you start your day often sets the tone for the rest of it.

2. Your To-Do List Is More Like a ‘Won’t-Do’ List.

Got a to-do list that’s collecting dust somewhere? If those tasks keep getting postponed like a bad TV show, it’s a sign of discipline on the down-low. It’s like having a gym membership that’s just for show. Making lists is easy; ticking things off them? Not so much. Discipline is about turning those to-dos into ta-das, not just moving them to tomorrow’s list.

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4. You’re the King or Queen of Procrastination.

If procrastination were an Olympic sport, would you be bringing home the gold? Delaying things, from small tasks to major decisions, is a classic sign of a discipline deficit. It’s like always waiting for the perfect moment to start something – spoiler alert: that moment is a myth. Discipline is about diving in, even when it’s tempting to stay on the sidelines.

5. Your Workout Clothes Are Just lounging Clothes.

Remember that New Year’s resolution to hit the gym? If your workout clothes are now just part of your loungewear collection, discipline might not be your strong suit. It’s like buying a fancy blender for smoothies but only using it for margaritas. Getting fit takes more than just dressing the part – it’s about showing up and sweating it out.

6. Your Spending Habits Are More Impulse Than Plan.

If your idea of budgeting is seeing something and buying it, then discipline in the financial department might be a bit of a stranger. It’s like walking into a store for one thing and coming out with ten. Those spur-of-the-moment purchases might feel good, but disciplined spending means thinking beyond the now and planning for the future.

7. Your Idea of a Deadline Is “eventually.”

Deadlines. If they’re more of a vague suggestion than a firm commitment in your world, it’s a sign that discipline isn’t your forte. It’s like treating time limits as gentle guidelines, always stretching and bending them. Meeting deadlines is a discipline dance – it’s about pacing and prioritizing, not just about crossing the finish line… eventually.

8. You’re Always Late.

If being on time is a struggle and you find yourself rushing in at the last minute or later, it might be a discipline issue. It’s like your clock runs on a different time zone, always a few minutes behind. Being punctual is a discipline thing – it’s about valuing your time and respecting others’. So, if your motto is “better late than never,” it might be time for a time management tune-up.

9. Your Plans Are More Wishful Thinking.

Got grand plans but find they rarely make it off the ground? If your dream projects often stay just as dreams, it might be a sign that discipline isn’t your strongest suit. It’s like having a head full of blueprints but no bricks to build with. Turning plans into reality takes disciplined steps, not just wishful thinking.

10. Your Workspace Is a Chaos Zone.

If your desk looks like a tornado just passed through, it could point to a lack of discipline. A cluttered space often reflects a cluttered mind. Keeping things organized is a discipline thing – it’s about creating order and efficiency in your space, setting you up for success rather than a search party for your lost notes.

11. You Can’t Remember the Last Book You Finished.

Starting several books but rarely reaching the last page? If your reading list is more of a ‘started-but-never-finished’ list, discipline might not be in your reading rainbow. It’s like having a library at your fingertips but only browsing the covers. Finishing what you start, even a book, is a testament to disciplined focus.

12. Your Diet Is More Fast Food Than Meal Prep.

If your eating habits are a rollercoaster of fast food and last-minute meals, it might be a lack of discipline in the culinary department. It’s easy to grab a quick bite, but disciplined eating is about planning and preparation. It’s not just about feeding yourself; it’s about nourishing your body with thought-out choices.

13. Your Sleep Schedule Is All Over the Place.

Do you find yourself up at odd hours, hitting the hay whenever, without a set bedtime? An erratic sleep schedule can be a sign of lacking discipline. Regular sleep patterns aren’t just about catching Z’s; they’re about setting a rhythm for your body and mind. Discipline in sleep is about creating and sticking to a restful routine, not just dozing off when exhaustion hits.

14. You Regularly Find Excuses to Skip the Gym.

If your gym visits are as rare as a calm day on social media, it might be a discipline issue. We all skip a workout now and then, but if your gym bag gathers more dust than miles, it’s a sign. Regular exercise is as much about discipline as it is about fitness. It’s about showing up for your health, even when the couch is calling your name.

15. Your Social Media Time Is Unlimited.

Ever fall into a social media black hole, only to resurface hours later, wondering where the time went? If setting limits on your scrolling is a struggle, it’s a hint that discipline isn’t steering the ship. Mindful media use is a discipline art – it’s about enjoying the digital world without letting it consume all your time.

16. Your Laundry Pile Looks Like a Small Mountain.

If tackling the laundry is a feat you put off until you’re down to your last pair of socks, it’s a sign of slipping discipline. Keeping on top of chores like laundry is about regular maintenance, not waiting for an underwear crisis. It’s about taking care of the little things before they become big things.

17. You’re Always Juggling Last-Minute Deadlines.

Are your projects perpetually in last-minute panic mode? If the adrenaline rush of a looming deadline is your primary motivator, discipline might not be your co-pilot. Staying ahead of deadlines is about pacing your work and managing your time, not racing against the clock at the eleventh hour.

Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.