If You Have These 11 Traits, You’re Probably A Highly Intuitive Person

If You Have These 11 Traits, You’re Probably A Highly Intuitive Person

Ever had those moments when you just “knew” something was about to happen, or you sensed the emotions of someone without them saying a word? Congratulations, you might be a highly intuitive person! Intuition is a remarkable gift, and it often reveals itself in various ways. Let’s explore 12 traits commonly found in highly intuitive individuals. Whether you’re a seasoned intuitive or just curious about your own instincts, these traits may resonate with you in surprising ways.

1. You’re guided by gut feelings.

If you often find yourself making decisions based on a gut feeling and they turn out right, it’s a sign of high intuition. It’s like having an internal compass that points you in the right direction, even when you don’t have all the facts. This isn’t about random guesses; it’s a deeper sense of knowing that comes from picking up on subtle cues and patterns that others might miss. Trusting these instincts can lead you to make choices that are in tune with your true path.

2. You’re naturally empathetic.

Intuitive people tend to have a natural empathy. They can easily pick up on how others are feeling and are often the ones friends turn to for advice or comfort. This empathy comes from being deeply connected to their own emotions and being able to read others’ emotions, even when they’re not overtly expressed. This deep understanding of human emotions can be a powerful tool in forming strong, meaningful connections.

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4. Your dreams are bizarrely insightful.

Highly intuitive individuals often have vivid, memorable dreams. These dreams can sometimes provide insights or solutions to problems they’re facing in waking life. It’s like their subconscious is working overtime to process and sort through information, presenting it in the form of dreams. Paying attention to these dreams and considering their possible meanings can be a valuable source of guidance.

5. You’re Sensitive to Energy.

Ever walk into a room and immediately get a vibe about it? If you’re highly intuitive, you probably know this feeling well. You can sense the mood of a place or a person almost right away. It’s like you have this internal radar that picks up on energies, both good and bad. This can be a great tool for navigating social situations, but it can also be a bit overwhelming when you’re picking up on a lot of negative vibes.

6. You Trust Your First Impressions.

First impressions count a lot for intuitive people. You often get a strong sense about someone when you first meet them, and more often than not, your hunches are spot on. It’s not about judging a book by its cover; it’s more about reading the subtle cues that others might miss. This gut feeling about people can be really helpful in figuring out who to trust and who to keep at arm’s length.

7. You’re a very creative person.

Creativity and intuition often go hand in hand. If you’re highly intuitive, chances are you’re pretty creative too. You might be into arts, writing, or just coming up with out-of-the-box solutions to problems. It’s like your mind is wired to think in unique ways, tapping into ideas and connections that others might not see right away.

8. Your observation skills are on point.

Paying attention to the little details? That’s your jam. If you’re intuitive, you’re likely also really observant. You pick up on things that others might overlook – a subtle change in someone’s tone, a quick glance, the small things that tell a bigger story. This keen observation skill helps you read situations and people more accurately.

9. You Feel a Strong Connection to Nature.

If you’re someone who feels recharged after spending time outdoors, it’s a sign of your intuitive nature. Nature has this way of grounding you and enhancing your intuition. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or just sitting by the ocean, being in natural settings can help you tune in to your inner voice and make sense of your thoughts and feelings. It’s like nature speaks a language your intuition understands.

10. You pride yourself on your ability to keep an open mind.

Being open-minded is a big deal for you. You’re not one to shut down new ideas or viewpoints just because they’re different. This openness is a key part of being intuitive. You’re able to look at things from various angles and consider possibilities that others might dismiss. It’s this flexibility in thinking that helps boost your intuitive insights.

11. You take time to reflect.

Reflection is a regular part of your routine. You understand the importance of stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, be it about your life, your work, or your relationships. This time to ponder and process is crucial for your intuition. It helps you connect the dots and make sense of things that aren’t immediately clear. It’s not just daydreaming; it’s giving your intuition the space it needs to speak to you.

12. You’re unapologetically authentic.

If there’s one thing you’re not, it’s fake. You value being true to yourself, even if it means going against the grain sometimes. This authenticity is a hallmark of intuitive people. You’re guided by your inner values and you’re not easily swayed by external pressures or trends. Staying true to yourself enhances your intuitive ability, as it’s deeply connected to your sense of self and personal truth.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.