Man Accused Of Killing Wife’s Lover Because She ‘Enjoyed Sex With Him More’

Man Accused Of Killing Wife’s Lover Because She ‘Enjoyed Sex With Him More’

A jealous husband is accused of murdering his wife’s lover because he was “upset” that she enjoyed having sex with the other man more. Andrew Jones is said to have shot Michael O’Leary dead over the affair with his wife Rhianon in what was said to be a “carefully planned and well thought-out murder.”

  1. Jones insists he’s innocent. While he admitted to authorities that he had met O’Leary, he denied killing the man in court. However, prosecutors believe that Jones lured O’Leary to a place where he could be killed after Jones discovered text messages between O’Leary and Rhianon on her second phone. “I was upset about the sex stuff,” Jones said. “He had done stuff with her that we had done and she enjoyed it more with him.”
  2. O’Leary was reported missing back in January. Detectives spoke with Jones at the time and he did say that he’d found Rhianon’s second device under a pile of clothes with O’Leary listed under a nickname. While Rhianon had told Jones that the affair was over in September 2019, it was in January 2020 that he discovered the second device and became enraged.
  3. Jones pretended to be his wife to meet with O’Leary. “I was getting her pyjamas when I found the phone on the shelf. It was a white and gold iPhone I had never seen before. I could see messages between her and Mike. There were only two contacts in the phone – both were Mike,” Jones recalled of the discovery. “One was called Enfys Mason which I knew was a name she used for Mike. I messaged the contact Enfys Mason and asked if he wanted to meet up. I was pretending to be Rhianon.”
  4. Once at Cyncoed Farm, Jones confronted his wife’s lover. “Mike said they met up three times and had sex. He said he was besotted with her. I asked him what she liked with him more than me but he wouldn’t say,” Jones explained. “I said Rhianon and I were still having sex together. He told me that she told him it was over between us. I told him he had to choose between Rhianon and Sian. He said don’t make me do that, he said I can’t stop messaging Rhianon.”
  5. Jones insist that O’Leary was safe and well when he last saw him. While Jones did admit that both men were “upset and crying” after the confrontation, he says he didn’t kill him and in fact, “Mike was upset and then he drove off in a silver Jeep, he was safe and well.”
  6. Prosecutors aren’t buying it. They believe that Jones shot O’Leary with a Colt .22 rifle and then used a forklift truck to move his body and burn it, The Sun reports. Prosecutor William Hughes QC told the court during the trial: “Mike O’Leary was lured to this location expecting a private meeting with Rhianon Jones. Instead he was met by this defendant who was armed with a powerful rifle which he used to deliberately shoot him dead. Steps were subsequently taken to hide and cover up his crimes – not in panic but a clear and calculated approach.” Jones’ trial at Swansea Crown Court is ongoing.
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