A violent British man brutally attacked his girlfriend for saying that she believed her ex-boyfriend was mor attractive than Cristiano Ronaldo. Ross Flynn lashed out at the victim when she admitted that she didn’t think the Manchester United striker was all that handsome, leaving her with terrible injuries, the Sunderland Echo reports.
- Flynn beat the victim repeatedly. The couple had just returned from a night out when the attack took place, leaving her injured and in pain. The pair were watching football videos when Flynn asked: “Are you more attracted to Cristiano Ronaldo or your ex-partner?” to which the victim replied that she was more into her deceased ex. That’s when Flynn punched her in the jaw. She left the room but was followed to the bedroom, where he hit her again. “She felt three or four extremely hard punches to the back of the head causing immediate pain,” the court heard. “The defendant said ‘Shut the **** up and get to sleep or you know what will happen,'”
- The victim simply doesn’t find Ronaldo attractive. As she told police after Flynn was arrested, Flynn took offense to the fact that she found her ex, who had died by suicide, attractive but was not into Ronaldo. “He went, ‘how dare you say your ex is better looking than Cristiano Ronaldo. That means I am not better looking than your ex,'” she recalled.
- Authorities have branded him a “very high risk” to future partners. Newcastle Crown Court heard that Flynn was violent with his former partner throughout their relationship. Prosecutor Omar Ahmad told the court that after the pair got together in February 2021, they moved in together and things went downhill from there.
- Flynn was repeatedly abusive to the victim. While Flynn was arrested and released on bail, he is said to have attacked the same woman only two months later. “She describes a violent and volatile relationship,” Ahmad said. “She states throughout the relationship the defendant was extremely controlling and angry. When she would go out drinking with the defendant, she would have to be aware of who she was talking with or he would get extremely angry and accuse her of cheating.” At one point, he left her with a fracture and deviation to her nasal bone as a result of one of his attacks.
Flynn has since been sentenced to four years in prison with an extra year on probation.