McDonald’s Is Launching A VIP Gold Card That Gets You Free Food For A Year

McDonald’s Is Launching A VIP Gold Card That Gets You Free Food For A Year

We all know fast food isn’t all that great for us, but no one can deny that sometimes there’s nothing better than chowing down on a McDonald’s double cheeseburger (or McNuggets… or both) and a large french fries and living your best life. But what if you could get free McDonald’s food every single day for a year for FREE? Now you can with the McDonald’s VIP Gold Card.

  1. It will make you feel like a celebrity. McDonald’s VIP Gold Card sounds like something only celebs would get, like how Ed Sheeran has a Nando’s Black Card that gives him free chicken from the restaurant anytime he wants. However, this isn’t for celebs—regular people can have one too!
  2. There are only 1,000 available. Obviously giving away free McDonald’s for a year can get expensive, so only 1,000 Gold Cards will be offered to keep costs down. Given how many millions of people will probably try to get their hands on one, you’ll have to be super lucky to be one of the chosen few.
  3. So how do you get one? If the McDonald’s VIP Gold Card sounds like a dream come true for you, you can potentially win one by playing the fast-food chain’s annual Monopoly game. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s simple: whenever you buy fries, drinks, burgers, etc., there are Monopoly game pieces attached that you peel back to reveal either a board square or an immediate prize like free fries and drinks—or yes, the elusive Gold Card! This year’s game runs from March 24 and will last 41 days, so you have some time to prepare.
  4. Sadly, this is in the UK only. While this would be an amazing idea for McDonald’s locations around the world, so far, the VIP Gold Card is only available in the UK at the moment. “It’s official… Gold is the new black,” said a McDonald’s spokesperson in a statement. “After years of requests, McDonald’s is launching a VIP Gold Card… no Brit Award required. The ONLY way you can get your hands on a McDonald’s Gold Card is to play. If Stormzy and Ed Sheeran want to get one, they’ll have to play Monopoly.” Take note, McDonald’s US! This is the best prize ever, but I’d settle for a free apple pie, I guess.

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.