Model Who Had 5 Plastic Surgeries In A Day Had Rotting Nipples Cut Off After They Turned Black And ‘Died’

Model Who Had 5 Plastic Surgeries In A Day Had Rotting Nipples Cut Off After They Turned Black And ‘Died’

A 25-year-old Instagram model has revealed that she had to have her nipples cut off after she had five plastic surgeries in a single day that went drastically wrong. Alejandra Mercedes had the five-in-one procedure for $20,000 and ended up with necrosis on both of her areolas. Ouch!

  1. Three days after her surgery, her nipples turned black and “died.” She was shocked after removing the bandages to discover the necrosis. She was forced to head back to the hospital to seek treatment, where a doctor had to cut off the dead skin with scissors.
  2. Alejandra had to have an additional corrective procedure. The next surgery was to fix the breast muscle that “burst through her stitches.” It was certainly an unplanned complication, that’s for sure!
  3. Thankfully, she’s fully healed since then. However, it’s not all good news because she’s only been left with two centimeters worth of areola. She’ll never be able to get those back, that’s for sure. “My takeaway from this experience is that it is much better to only have one surgery at a time,” she told Jam Press. “I think the necrosis and issues with my recovery and pain were all because my body couldn’t cope with so many surgical sites to heal.”
  4. Alejandra has written an ebook about her experience to warn others. She wants to share her experience so that others can take heed with their own decisions. “We don’t know why it happened to me but I especially want women to think carefully about having more than one surgery at a time as it puts a lot of strain on the body to try and recover,” she said. “After this experience, I don’t think I will have another procedure except maybe a cosmetic tattoo to improve the scars around my nipples.”

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.