Mom Infuriated After Receiving Note From Neighbor: ‘My Kids Don’t Want To See Your A– Out’

Mom Infuriated After Receiving Note From Neighbor: ‘My Kids Don’t Want To See Your A– Out’

A British mom was left horrified and baffled after she received a note from a neighbor chastising her for wearing lingerie in her own house. Alexandra Kennedy from Essex shared the note on Facebook which instructed her to “at least shut your blinds when walking naked around your house” because the neighbor’s “kids do not and would not want to see your ass out on the show.” Well, that’s pretty rude!

  1. Taylor was wearing a t-shirt and lingerie at the time. The 26-year-old, who has two kids of her own, said she was wearing a t-shirt and French lingerie as she was locking up and turning all the lights in the house off before bed one night when her neighbors must have caught a glimpse of her.
  2. She feels “shocked” and “angry” that her neighbors felt such a note was appropriate. As she explained to the Daily Mail, Taylor said she was “so livid that someone had the audacity … to go out of their way and leave a note on my windscreen rather than just knocking on the door and confronting me about it.”
  3. The neighbors couldn’t even tell her to her face. Given that the note was left on Taylor’s car windshield rather than even put through the door seems a bit cowardly to Taylor. “Maybe they’re just not confrontational, but for me, if I’ve got a problem, I’ll quite happily say it to someone’s face,” she said.
  4. She wasn’t even walking around naked. As Taylor points out, she had clothes on and wasn’t even that scantily clad. “I was wearing a T-shirt and French knickers — they covered a lot of my bum,” she quipped. “To be honest, they’re lucky, because normally I walk around in a lot less than that.” Given that she was in her own house, it’s hard to see the problem.
  5. After sharing the note on Facebook, many came out in support. Commenters pointed out that Taylor has the right to wear whatever she wants in her own house and said that the neighbors should mind their business. Can’t say I disagree with that one!

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.