Overly Trusting Behaviors That Make You An Easy Target For A Manipulator

You think that these behaviors show how open and trusting you can be, but this kind of openness isn’t always a good thing. Sadly, it can make you an easy target for manipulators, who prey on your goodwill and naivety to exploit you for their own gain. Be aware of these traits because no matter how well-intended they are, they could end up screwing you over in the end.

1. Always Saying Yes

Oh, the classic ‘yes’ person. If you find yourself nodding along and agreeing to everything, even when it doesn’t feel quite right, you might be waving a big flag that says “Easy to manipulate.” It’s great to be accommodating, but remember, it’s totally okay to say no. Think of ‘no’ as your personal boundary guard dog – loyal, protective, and totally necessary.

2. Overlooking Red Flags

Ever find yourself playing the ‘they didn’t really mean it’ game? Ignoring red flags because you want to see the best in people is like walking around with rose-colored glasses glued to your face. It’s important to take those glasses off now and then and see things for what they really are. Trust is good, but blind trust? Not so much.

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4. Oversharing Personal Information

Spilling your life story, fears, and dreams to someone you barely know can be risky. It’s like giving someone the handbook to your psyche. Manipulators love this kind of openness because it gives them a map of your vulnerabilities. Sharing is caring, but let’s not hand out the keys to our emotional house too quickly, okay?

5. Not Trusting Your Gut

That little voice in your head that whispers, “Something’s off”? Listen to it. If you’re dismissing your own instincts because you don’t want to seem distrustful or paranoid, you might be setting yourself up for trouble. Your gut is like your internal warning system – it’s there for a reason, so tune in.

6. Needing to Please Everyone

If you’re constantly bending over backwards to make everyone else happy, manipulators might see you as a prime target. It’s like wearing a T-shirt that says, “I’ll do whatever you want.” Remember, it’s impossible to please everyone, and trying to do so can leave you vulnerable.

7. Always Needing to Be Liked

Alright, wanting to be liked is pretty much human nature, right? But when you’re bending over backwards just to get a thumbs up from everyone, it’s like wearing a neon sign saying, “I’ll do anything for approval.” Manipulators love this because they know exactly which strings to pull. It’s important to remember that it’s okay if not everyone thinks you’re the bee’s knees. You’re not a jar of Nutella; you can’t please everyone!

8. Not Setting Personal Boundaries.

Boundaries are like your personal security system. If you’re not setting clear limits on what’s okay and what’s not, manipulators can waltz right in and take advantage. It’s crucial to establish and communicate your boundaries. Think of it as building a nice, friendly fence around your personal space – it’s not about keeping everyone out, just those who don’t respect your yard.

9. Being Overly Sympathetic

Empathy is a superpower, but overly sympathizing with every sob story can make you an easy target. If you’re always the shoulder to cry on, some might take this as a green light to exploit your good nature. It’s like having an “Open for Emotional Dumping” sign on your forehead. Be compassionate, but also be aware that not every sad story needs your heroic intervention.

10. Avoiding Confrontation at All Costs

Hate rocking the boat? If you’re the type who’d rather swim to shore than confront someone, manipulators might take advantage of this. They know you’re likely to go with the flow to avoid a storm. It’s important to stand up for yourself. Think of confrontation not as a battle, but as standing your ground. It’s okay to rock the boat sometimes, especially when it comes to your well-being.

11. Trusting Too Quickly

Trust is a precious commodity. If you’re giving it out like free samples at a grocery store, be cautious. Building trust should be more like brewing a fine tea – it takes time. If you’re quick to trust, manipulators can see this as an opportunity to fast-track their way into your good graces without earning it.

12. Fearing Being Alone

If the thought of being alone makes you cling to any company, no matter how toxic, that’s a red flag. Manipulators can detect this fear and use it to their advantage, knowing you’re likely to tolerate bad behavior just to avoid being solo. Embrace your own company – it’s better to be at a table for one than in bad company.

13. Constantly Seeking Validation from Others

Seeking validation is like having an “External Approval Needed” sticker on your forehead. If you rely heavily on others to affirm your choices, feelings, or worth, manipulators can use this to control and influence you. Work on validating yourself. Your opinion of you is the VIP ticket – everyone else’s is just general admission.

14. Being Overly Generous

Generosity is a beautiful trait, but overdoing it can signal to manipulators that you’re an easy mark. If you’re always the one picking up the tab, giving away your time freely, or lending out your belongings without hesitation, it can be seen as a weakness to exploit. It’s like leaving your emotional wallet open for anyone to take a dip. Generosity is great, but make sure it’s balanced with self-respect and awareness of how others may perceive and use your kindness.

15. Letting Others Always Take the Lead

Do you often find yourself in the passenger seat, letting others steer your life? If you’re constantly deferring to others’ decisions, you might be signaling that you’re an easygoing target for manipulation. It’s like walking around with a “Your Choice, Not Mine” badge. Sure, it’s great to be flexible, but remember, your opinions and choices matter too. It’s important to take the wheel of your own life sometimes. Think of it as being the director of your own movie – you get to call some shots too!

16. Overvaluing Promises Without Proof.

If you’re the type to trust promises without needing any proof or actions to back them up, be careful. It’s like having a “Believe at First Promise” neon sign blinking over your head. Manipulators can see this and might make grand promises to win your trust or get what they want. It’s essential to remember that actions speak louder than words. It’s like being a wise old owl in a forest full of chatty parrots – listen, but watch closely too.

17. Ignoring Your Own Needs for Other people’s

Are you the kind of person who puts everyone else’s needs before your own? Being a people pleaser is a killer. While it’s noble to be selfless, constantly neglecting your own needs can signal to manipulators that you don’t value yourself enough, making you an easier target. It’s like wearing a T-shirt that says, “Your Needs Over Mine.” It’s crucial to strike a balance. Think of it as being a gardener tending to various plants – you need to water yourself too, not just the others!

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.