I know I’m not alone when I say that I think New Year’s resolutions as a general rule are corny and a bit exploitative. It’s a way for companies to sell you loads of crap you don’t need when they know you’re vulnerable and (usually temporarily) inspired to make a chance in your life. Most of us realize about two weeks into January that we don’t have the time or energy to stick to whatever lofty goals we’ve set for ourselves, but there actually are some people who do succeed in this department. Yes, really. That’s because people who stick to their New Year’s resolutions tend to have these personality traits in spades.
1. They have loads of self-discipline.
We all start out on January 1 with lots of self-discipline, but it tends to wane as we realize that meaningful change takes effort and we’re pretty exhausted. People who stick to their New Year’s resolutions, however, keep that self-discipline year-round. It’s not something that just appears at the end of every year and disappears a few weeks later. They’re able to keep their eye on the prize and keep working on winning it day after day. It’s pretty impressive.
2. They set realistic goals.
It makes sense that if your resolutions are “I’m going to buy a 7-bedroom mansion and win the MegaMillions lottery this year,” you’re probably going to end up being disappointed. People who stick to their New Year’s resolutions set their sights on slightly more achievable goals. Maybe they want to start using their gym membership three times a week, or eat takeout less and learn how to cook. That’s not to say that you have to aim small, but picking things you’re actually likely to accomplish with a bit of dedication is less overwhelming a more likely to happen.
3. They’re persistent.
They don’t fall at the first hurdle — they tend to be the type of people who are a bit stubborn in life and don’t take no for an answer. While this can be a pretty obnoxious personality trait in certain circumstances, it really helps people when it comes to sticking to their guns on resolutions. They just keep forging ahead, not letting anything stop them. They’re not easily discouraged — in fact, it’s hard to discourage them at all. They know what they want and they’re damn sure going to get it. (Speaking of persistence, if you’re determined to find love next year, our sister site, Sweetn, may be able to help. They have some great tricks and tips that will change your love life in some game-changing ways. Check them out here.)
4. They’re optimistic realists.
You’ve heard the saying that attitude is everything and it really is. While there is such a thing as toxic positivity, people who stick to their New Year’s resolutions tend to be pretty upbeat people in general. Instead of seeing the bad sides in every situation or looking for roadblocks that don’t exist, they actually believe that they can do whatever they set their minds to. They also know that it’s not going to be easy and that there will be times when they want to give up. However, they just need to keep working hard and believing and they’ll get there. And they usually do!
5. They’re flexible and adaptable.
They get that the path to success is usually unpaved and full of plenty of bumps in the road and they’re ready for them. They don’t get a rigid idea in their head of how things should or have to go and give up when it doesn’t pan out that way. Instead, they’re like a human Google Maps, able to readjust their route based on the traffic ahead. (Okay, that analogy was a stretch, but you get what I mean.) Being able to go with the flow is a huge asset here.
6. They’re patient.
People who stick to their New Year’s resolutions know they’re not going to wake up on January 2 and have them done and dusted. They know that change doesn’t happen overnight and that, depending on what they want to accomplish, it might be months or even years before they see real results. However, they’re prepared to put in the hours to get where they want and appreciate that patience isn’t just a virtue here, it’s a necessity.
7. They’re self-aware.
You might wonder how self-awareness helps here, but it’s so, so important. They know who they are, what their strengths and weaknesses are, what triggers them, etc. This allows them to set themselves up for success by adapting their plan to suit them best. For instance, maybe they want to lose 10 pounds and know that they snack way too much at night. So, they keep healthy snacks in the fridge and leave the junk food on store shelves so they won’t be tempted. It’s a major strength.
8. They’re accountable for their own actions.
People who keep their New Year’s resolutions tend to have ways to keep themselves accountable. Maybe they keep an Instagram account specifically dedicated to their goal. Maybe they journal, use apps, or any other method to keep track of where they’re at, where they’re going, and how far they’ve come so far. If they fall off for a bit, they don’t blame it on circumstances or other people but instead are honest about their own behavior in order to get back to it.
9. They’re proactive self-starters.
Some people need some kind of external impetus to get anything done in life, but people who keep their New Year’s resolutions don’t wait around for anyone else. Instead, because they know what they want and how they’re going to get there, they just get started. They’re not the type of people who need to be told it’s time to go — they left hours ago. This kind of internal motivation is a huge tool for success here and is something everyone could use a lot more of in life in general.
10. They know how to put their heads down and focus.
Their ability to focus is next level. When they’re working on their resolutions, they’re all in. They’re not easily distracted because they know what they’re working towards. That’s not to say that they become some kind of lifeless killjoy, but rather that they develop a mental strength that allows them to hone in on what they want, which increases their chances of actually getting it.
11. They’re resilient and get back up when they’ve been knocked down.
So many people are ready to give up and throw in the towel the minute they face any kind of adversity, but not them. People who keep their New Year’s resolutions are ridiculously resilient. It’s like they’ve internalized that Aaliyah lyric we all used to love with the weird dancing baby in the video — “If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” They take this to heart and live accordingly.
12. They appreciate the value of consistency.
They know that going hard on working towards their goal this week and then taking a few weeks off before getting back to it is not how you find success. Putting in effort every single day — even if sometimes it’s only 80% instead of 100% — is better than being wishy-washy or losing focus. It’s showing up every day that makes the difference and where the biggest change occurs, which they know all too well.
13. They focus on the details but don’t get lost in them.
People who stick to their New Year’s resolutions see the big picture, sure, but they also delve into the nitty-gritty to really fine-tune what it is they’re working towards. This helps them to assess what’s going right, what might need to be tweaked, and how far along they’ve gotten so far. That being said, they’re sure not to get so focused on the details that they lose sight of their overall goal. It’s a fine balance that they’ve miraculously managed to strike.
14. They’re determined.
I know this is a bit of a “duh,” but people who don’t drop their resolutions a few weeks in are extremely determined. They tend to be perfectionists in life in general and hate failure. Giving up on what they set out to achieve would count as failure to them, and they’re not having it. As a result, they just keep on pushing, knowing that even if it takes the whole year, they’re going to get there. You have to admire them!
15. They have plenty of emotional intelligence.
People who stick to their New Year’s resolutions know how to manage their emotions effectively, especially when challenges pop up. They don’t let frustration, anger, or disappointment derail their efforts. Instead, they use these emotions as fuel to push forward and keep on going. They don’t equate their value with their ability to stick to arbitrary milestones they’ve set for themselves because they know life is a bit more nuanced than that. We could all learn from them.
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