11 Warning Signs Your New Relationship Is Going Nowhere

11 Warning Signs Your New Relationship Is Going Nowhere

You’ve started the adventure of a new relationship. Although your friends are excited for you, you just don’t feel like things are going that well. Uh-oh. Your tendency might be to stick it through and try to make it work, but make sure you don’t waste your time on a dead-end relationship. Here are 11 warning signs that your new relationship is going nowhere, so you can hit the eject button before you get sucked in.

1. They Make Excuses For Not Texting Or Seeing You.

Does it feel like the person you’re dating doesn’t seem to have enough time for you, and it’s still early days in your relationship? Maybe they make excuses for not being able to text you back or not seeing you on a regular basis. It feels like they’re busy and that’s a red flag they could be dating someone else or they don’t like you enough to make you a priority.

2. They Don’t Give You A Chance To Talk.

You’re on a date and the person asks if you’ve traveled. As you try to answer, they interrupt you and talk about all the amazing places they’ve visited. Similarly, when you try to talk about your job, they cut in and tell you about their bad day. Geez. They don’t listen to you or seem to care about what you have to say. Not a great start.

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4. They Mock What You Love.

You mention you love butterflies, comedy shows, or crime thriller novels and they reply by rolling their eyes or smirking. Maybe they tease you about the hobbies you have or things you enjoy, or make fun of you around others. It’s not cool and it’s certainly not funny. This is a bad sign that they’re going to keep belittling you in your relationship.

5. They’re Always Joking Around.

You can’t go deep and have real conversations with someone who doesn’t want to be serious. If your partner’s always making jokes or trying to find the lighter side of things, it can be frustrating to communicate with them. Yes, they’re great to have around in good times, but you want your partner to be serious and emotionally vulnerable sometimes. What, are you dating a clown?

6. You Leave Dates Feeling Weird.

At the end of a date, when you walk back to your car, do you feel good and happy? Or, do you feel like something’s off or you’re exhausted? Yes, dating can be depressing, but maybe the person is draining you or you just have a gut feeling that you’re not getting the full picture with this person and they’re hiding something from you. Hmmm. You should be leaving dates feeling positive, otherwise something’s not right.

7. They Forget Things You’ve Said.

You remember mentioning to your partner that you’re allergic to nuts, but they buy you chocolate with nuts. Yikes. Or, you mention that you studied English and then a short while later they ask you what you studied. Really? Geez. It’s frustrating to have to keep repeating yourself. Look, if this person can’t even remember details about you now, that’s a red flag they’re not actively listening and it’s just going to get worse over time.

8. You Have More Fun When They’re Not Around.

It’s healthy to have a full, fun life outside of your relationship. But, if you feel happier when your partner’s not around, that’s not a good sign. It could be that something’s off and even though you like them, they’re not making you as happy as you should be feeling. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve.

9. You’re Thinking Of Someone Else.

Maybe you were dating someone before you met this person, and now they’re coming back to your mind. Ugh, what? Maybe you’re not having such a good time with this person, so the previous one you dated is suddenly appealing. But it’s not really about that other person – it’s about what your feelings are trying to tell you: this relationship’s not for you.

10. They Turn Everything Into Sex.

You try to talk to your partner about your day or upcoming vacation, and all they can do is flirt with you sexually. During text convos, you might chat for a whole three minutes before they talk about how hot you are. Ugh. Honestly, it’s annoying because you want to achieve intimacy that isn’t confined to the bedroom, but they’re only focused on one thing.

11. Their Stories Don’t Match Up.

They mentioned that they don’t smoke but then you smell cigarettes on them. They told you they were with their best mates last week, then they mention that they were actually working. You’ve just started dating and they can’t seem to be truthful. That’s just wrong. They’re either hiding something from you or trying to fool you with their lies. Either way, it’s time to GTFO.

12. You Run Out Of Things To Say.

When you start dating someone, you feel the rush of wanting to know everything about them. You should feel excited to talk to them and feel like there’s not enough time in the day to get to everything you want to dissect. But if your dates are filled with cringey awkward silences (not just one but multiple silences) or you feel like you’re running out of things to say, you have to wonder what future you have in store. Are you going to be that couple who sits in silence during dinner or only talks about chores and tasks? Gross.

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.