20 Phrases That Expose An Extreme Lack of Self-Awareness

20 Phrases That Expose An Extreme Lack of Self-Awareness

1. “I’m pretty much always right.”

Claiming that you never get things wrong is a clear sign of not recognizing your own fallibility. It’s like saying you’ve never missed a shot in a game of darts when you haven’t even hit the board yet. Sure, maybe you know what you’re talking about most of the time, but there will be some times when you get stuff wrong.

2. “I never make mistakes.”

Denying the fact that sometimes you’re going to mess up is obnoxious and kind of pointless. You’re a human being, not a machine. Mistakes happen  — embrace them so that you can learn and move on. If you honestly believe this, you need to do some serious self-reflection.

3. “People just don’t understand me.”

Blaming other people for not grasping your perspective suggests you might not fully understand yourself. It’s similar to blaming the GPS for getting lost when you didn’t even put in the destination. Sure, you’re complex, but so are all human beings. You’re not that deep!

4. “I don’t need to change.”

Resisting personal growth or adaptation indicates a serious lack of self-awareness. Sure, you shouldn’t have to change to become someone that other people want you to be, but you also shouldn’t be so stubborn that you refuse to improve your weak areas.

5. “It’s not my fault.”

Constantly shifting blame away from yourself and casting it on everyone else proves you refuse to reflect on your actions. Obviously, you shouldn’t cop to things you really didn’t do, but you also need to take responsibility for your actions and fess up when something is your fault. It will make you seem way more down-to-earth and trustworthy.

6. “I never get emotional.”

Denying your emotions can indicate a lack of understanding of your own feelings. If you do really never feel emotional, it could be that you’re compartmentalizing your feelings or that you’re dealing with mental health issues that keep you from connecting with them. That, or you’re lying, and that’s not a good look.

7. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

While it’s important to have self-confidence, completely dismissing other people’s opinions may reflect a lack of awareness about your impact on those around you. It’s like saying you don’t care about the movie’s reviews when you’re the director. Your actions and the things you say affect people. You should care about that.

8. “I’m the best at everything I do.”

man and woman talking outside

Constantly claiming superiority may mask insecurity and a lack of humility. Obviously, it’s great to celebrate your achievements and feel good about the things you accomplish, but if you honestly think you’re the best, where is there left to go? There’s always room for improvement.

9. “I never get stressed.”

Denying stress may point to an inability to acknowledge and manage your own feelings. There are some people who are naturally super zen (tell me your secrets, please!), but for the most part, none of us is impervious to stress and anxiety. It happens sometimes — that’s life.

10. “I’ve never had a bad day.”

Refusing to admit when you have tough days may mean that there’s a disconnect between you and your own emotions. Everyone has bad days, whether because work was overwhelming, we got in a fight with our partner, or we just woke up in a bad mood. If you can’t admit that, you likely lack a lot of self-awareness.

11. “I’m the only one who really works hard around here.”

Believing you’re the only one putting in effort often overlooks all the work other people put in and hints at a lack of awareness of their dedication and effort. How up yourself do you have to be to believe that you’re the only person doing anything. Yikes.

12. “I can read people like a book.”

man giving woman advice

That’s great if you’re good at reading people naturally, but that doesn’t mean that you know everything about everyone all the time. You have to give people a chance to show you who they are rather than making your own judgments.

13. “I never get jealous.”

Denying feelings of jealousy may indicate an inability to acknowledge and address your own insecurities or competitive nature. Even if you don’t act on it, everyone gets jealous sometimes. It’s just a natural part of the human condition. Developing more self-awareness will allow you to recognize this tendency and address it.

14. “I don’t need feedback; I’m perfect as is.”

Rejecting constructive feedback means you’re unwilling to grow and adapt, which reflects a lack of self-awareness about areas needing improvement. Nobody’s perfect, and you have to embrace it.

15. “I don’t have any regrets in life.”

While it’s healthy to focus on the present, dismissing all of your past mistakes as irrelevant can imply a lack of self-reflection and personal growth. You don’t want to walk around full of regret about the things you’ve done in life, you do need to look back and assess things honestly.

16. “I always know what’s best for everyone.”

Assuming you know what’s best for other people without considering their perspectives can reveal a lack of empathy and an inflated sense of self-importance. You have no idea what the best decisions are for other people’s lives. You wouldn’t want anyone telling you what to do with yours, would you?

17. “I’m just unlucky in life.”

redhead woman looking out cafe window

Blaming everything on luck or other people means you’re not taking responsibility for your own choices and circumstances. Bad stuff happens sometimes, but “luck” doesn’t determine your whole life. You do have some power and control here.

18. “I never hold grudges.”

colleagues chatting in business meeting

While forgiveness is admirable, claiming to forget all wrongs shows that you have a whole host of unresolved issues or a lack of boundaries. You don’t need to hold grudges, but you also don’t want to let people walk all over you.

19. “I’m never wrong about people.”

two female friends chatting on couch

Overconfidence in your ability to judge character may ignore the complexity of people and their capacity for change and growth. Try to hold back your biases and let people be who they are.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.