If Someone Uses These 16 Phrases In Conversation, They’re Secretly Flirting With You

If Someone Uses These 16 Phrases In Conversation, They’re Secretly Flirting With You

Sometimes, the signs of flirtation can be subtle, but they’re always there. If you’re paying attention, you’ll be able to spot these flirty phrases from a mile away.

1. “Just between us…”

When someone leans closer and whispers, “Just between us…”, it’s like they’re inviting you into a private little world. It’s a sneaky way of creating a bond that’s just for you two. This phrase often hints at a desire for intimacy and a special connection. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, you’re special, and I want to share something that’s just ours.” It’s a classic move in the flirting playbook, suggesting they want to build something unique with you.

2. “I noticed that you…”

Now, here’s a line that’s all about attention. as it shows they’re really observing you, not just what you say, but how you say it, how you move, what you like. It’s their way of telling you, “You’ve caught my eye.” This phrase can be about anything – your smile, the way you handle situations, your taste in music – and it’s all about making you feel seen and appreciated. It’s a subtle but clear signal of interest and admiration.

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4. “I’ve never told anyone this before, but…”

This one’s big on trust. It’s like they’re opening a vault of personal secrets just for you. It’s a significant step toward emotional closeness. They’re not just sharing a story; they’re sharing a piece of their heart. This phrase often means they feel safe and connected with you, enough to reveal something personal. It’s a huge compliment and a sign they’re willing to be vulnerable around you, a key ingredient in the flirting mix.

5. “I love the way you laugh.”

When someone says how much they love the sound of your laughter, it’s about more than just finding your giggle charming. They’re appreciating a very personal aspect of you. It’s their way of saying, “Your happiness makes me happy.” This phrase is often used as a way to show affection and a deep level of interest in your joy and comfort. It’s a sweet, heartwarming compliment that’s usually reserved for someone they’re really into.

6. “I wish we could do this again.”

Here’s a not-so-subtle hint at future plans. When they say, “I wish we could do this again…”, they’re practically asking for another date without outright saying it. It’s a sign they’re enjoying the moment and don’t want it to end. This phrase is their way of testing the waters to see if you’re feeling the same way. It’s a hopeful, optimistic line that screams, “I’m into this, and I’m into you. Let’s do it again!”

7. “You’re so funny!”

Laughter is a universal connector, and when someone tells you how hilarious you are, they’re not just enjoying your jokes. They’re enjoying your company. This phrase is a big green light in flirting. It’s their way of letting you know that they like your sense of humor and, by extension, you. It’s an effortless way to create a bond, and it often indicates that they find your personality attractive and engaging. It’s a lighthearted, feel-good compliment that’s sure to make anyone smile.

8. “You’re so interesting.”

Curiosity is at the heart of this one — they’re clearly fascinated by you! They’re acknowledging that you have qualities or stories that captivate them. It’s a compliment that goes beyond physical attraction and delves into the essence of who you are. It shows they’re eager to learn more about you, your thoughts, experiences, and opinions. This phrase is a clear indicator of deep interest and a desire to explore what makes you uniquely you.

9. “I can’t believe I’ve never met you before.”

This line is all about surprise and delight. It’s like they’re expressing wonder at how someone as amazing as you could have been missing from their life. It’s a playful way of saying, “You’re a great discovery!” This phrase often reflects their excitement and the sense of newness you bring to their life. It’s a charming way of acknowledging the special connection they feel and the unexpected joy of meeting someone like you.

10. “You make me feel…”

Feelings, feelings, and more feelings! Starting a sentence with, “You make me feel…” is a big deal. It’s a raw, honest way of showing they’re emotionally affected by you. Whether it’s happy, excited, calm, or inspired, this phrase is all about the emotional impact you have on them. It’s a vulnerable admission and a clear sign of deepening affection. It’s one of those statements that really means, “You’re special to me, and I want you to know it.”

11. “Do you have any plans this weekend?”

This one’s a sneaky way of finding out if you’re available. When someone asks what you’re up to this Saturday, it’s often more than just small talk. They might be gauging whether you’re free to hang out. It’s a casual, low-pressure approach to potentially setting up a date or a hangout without making it too obvious. This question can be a subtle invitation to spend more time together, a sign they’re hoping to see more of you outside the current setting.

12. “What do you think?”

Asking for your opinion with “What do you think?” is a big green light in the game of flirtation. It shows they value your thoughts and are interested in your perspective. This question is about more than just gathering information; it’s about building a connection. They’re essentially saying, “Your views matter to me.” It’s a respectful and engaging way to deepen the conversation and show they care about what’s going on in your head.

13. “Can I get your opinion on something?”

When someone says this, it’s not just a sign they’re secretly flirting with you but also a sign they respect and are interested in your thoughts. It’s a way to involve you in their decision-making or thoughts, showing they value your input. This line is often used as an excuse to start a more personal conversation or to spend more time talking to you. It’s a clever way of creating a shared experience and showing that your perspective is important to them.

14. “You always know what to say.”

This is a clear sign of admiration. It means they appreciate your conversational abilities and find comfort in your words. This phrase often indicates that they find your presence reassuring and enjoyable. It’s a way of saying, “I like how you think and express yourself.” It reflects their attraction not just to your personality, but also to your intellect and emotional intelligence.

15. “I feel like I can talk to you about anything.”

This phrase, “I feel like I can talk to you about anything” is a big indicator of trust and comfort. When someone expresses this sentiment, it means they feel a strong connection with you. It’s like they’re saying, “You’re easy to open up to, and I feel safe sharing with you.” This level of comfort and openness is a key ingredient in building a deeper, more intimate relationship. It shows they not only enjoy your company but also feel a significant level of emotional closeness.

16. “I’m having a great time with you.”

Ah, the straightforward charmer. This is as clear as it gets. They’re having fun, they like your company, and they want you to know. It’s a joyful, unguarded admission of enjoying the moment together. This phrase is a big thumbs up in the flirting world. It’s their way of saying, “You’re fantastic, and I’m so glad I’m here with you right now.” It’s a positive, upbeat way of reinforcing the connection you’re both feeling.

17. “It’s so easy to be myself around you.”

This is one of the highest compliments in the flirting book. It suggests they feel relaxed and authentic in your presence. This statement is about more than just comfort; it’s about a deep sense of compatibility. They’re essentially saying, “You bring out the best in me.” This level of ease and authenticity is often a sign of genuine affection and interest. It shows they not only like you but also feel a strong, natural connection with you.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.