Rude Things You Should Never Do (Unless You Want to Be Judged)

Rude Things You Should Never Do (Unless You Want to Be Judged)

You probably think you’re a pretty decent person, and chances are, you’re right. However, there are certain behaviors you may have picked up that make you seem rude and inconsiderate. If you don’t want people to think you’re a total jerk, avoid doing these things altogether.

1. Talk loudly on your phone in public

Sure, sometimes you need to take a call, but no one wants an in-depth recap of your dentist appointment forced upon them on the bus. Keep those personal conversations low-key (and off speakerphone!) or tell the person on the other end that you’ll have to call them back. Think about it — do you really want strangers knowing the details of your private life? A little discretion goes a long way, especially in crowded spaces.

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2. Interrupt people when they’re trying to speak

Let people finish their sentences! Everyone deserves to have their thoughts heard without being steamrolled. It’s basic courtesy. Sometimes we might get excited to share our own thoughts, but remember, conversations are a two-way street. Practice being a good listener and wait for your turn to speak.

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3. Show up late all the time

Running behind schedule once or twice is okay, but chronic lateness is disrespectful of other people’s time. Plan ahead, give yourself extra time, and if you’re running late, send a quick text! It shows you value the other person and aren’t just assuming their time is endlessly flexible. Plus, being on time makes YOU look more reliable and considerate.

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4. Ghost someone instead of telling them straight-up that you’re not interested

Whether it’s a friend or a potential date, disappearing without a word is just not nice. A simple “I’m not feeling a connection” text goes a long way. Think of how you’d feel if it happened to you. It takes a minute to show basic respect and saves everyone a lot of emotional hassle.

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5. Forget basic manners

“Please” and “thank you” aren’t relics of the past, though it certainly seems like it sometimes. Saying “excuse me” when you bump into someone or offering your seat to an elderly person shows you’re not oblivious to the world around you or the people in it. Manners cost absolutely nothing but make the world a much less obnoxious and more polite place.

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6. Stare at people

Yes, that person might have a cool haircut, but prolonged staring is just plain creepy. Give people their space. If you find something interesting, a quick glance of admiration is usually fine. However, don’t make anyone feel like some kind of scientific specimen being observed under a microscope – it’s super uncomfortable.

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7. Fail to pick up your dog’s crap

No explanation needed. This is just gross, and also super irresponsible. It’s your dog, your responsibility to clean up their mess. Not only is it unsightly to leave piles of it lying around, but it can also pose health risks. Be a good dog citizen and keep public spaces clean for everyone. It’s the least you can do.

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8. Take up too much space

Spreading out your stuff on a crowded train or bus isn’t cool. Be mindful of other people in shared spaces. If the bus is full, try to condense your belongings and make room for others to sit or stand comfortably. Nobody wants to be squished because you decided your backpack needs its own seat.

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9. Give advice no one asked for or wanted

friends talking on couches

Unless someone specifically asks for your input, keep those weight loss tips or parenting observations to yourself. Sometimes we mean well, but unsolicited advice can come across as judgmental or condescending. Let people make their own choices, and if they need your help, they’ll ask for it.

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10. Overshare on social media

female friends at the bar

No one needs a play-by-play of your entire day. Oversharing can be annoying — or worse, unsafe. A little bit of mystery is good! Plus, some moments are just better enjoyed offline, in real life. Keep your Insta accounts relatively low-key. You (and your followers) will be much happier that way.

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11. Spoil movies or TV shows for people who haven’t watched yet

couple bored sitting on couch watching tv

Some people like the surprise! If you’ve seen something, don’t ruin the experience for everyone else. Especially with big blockbusters or hyped shows, try to avoid giving spoilers online or in conversations. If you just have to talk about it, find people who’ve also seen it so you don’t spoil the fun.

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12. One-up people’s stories or experiences

Beautiful young couple giving each other high five after hard training on the beach

No one likes the person who always has a better story, a bigger problem, or a more impressive accomplishment. Let others have their moment to shine. It’s okay to share your own experiences, but don’t always try to make it a competition. Being genuinely happy for other people’s success makes you a better friend and makes interactions more enjoyable for everyone.

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13. Flake

Canceling plans last minute is a bummer. If you’ve made a commitment, try your best to stick to it or give as much notice as possible if you can’t. Things come up, for sure, but try to minimize flake-outs. Being reliable shows people you respect their time and plans.

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14. Not listen


When someone’s talking, be present. Put the phone down, make eye contact, and truly engage with what they’re saying. Feeling truly heard makes a huge difference in relationships. Plus, you might actually learn something new or gain a fresh perspective when you actively listen to other people.

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15. Litter

Seriously, why do people do this? There are trash cans for a reason. Don’t be the person who ruins our planet. Take a few extra seconds to dispose of things properly – it shows you care about the environment and the community you live in.

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16. Judge people

Two female friends sitting in a sidewalk cafe. They are whispering and gossiping.

We all have our own weird quirks and struggles. Focus on being kind and accepting, instead of judgmental. You never know what someone’s going through, so a little empathy goes a long way. Plus, judging others often says more about our own insecurities than it does about the person we’re judging.

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Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.