Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Has Fallen In Love

Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Has Fallen In Love iStock

While it’s definitely not ideal to fall for an emotionally unavailable man, the heart wants what it wants and sometimes these things happen. While you shouldn’t expect to change him into your ideal boyfriend overnight, you might be shocked to realize that he naturally starts to shift when his feelings for you get real. Here’s how you know a guy like this is falling in love.

1. He actually starts to open up a bit.

An emotionally unavailable man might start to share more about his personal life, thoughts, and feelings once he starts to fall in love. This gradual opening up is significant because it goes against his usual pattern of keeping people at a distance. This willingness to let you in shows a shift in his feelings and a growing level of trust and intimacy.

2. He shares stuff from his past.

When he starts to let you in on his past experiences, it’s a sign he trusts you enough to be vulnerable. Sharing memories, especially those that are emotional or difficult to revisit, is a big step for someone who is usually closed off. These shared experiences can build a stronger emotional connection between you.

3. He makes an effort to change.

Young latin male and female couple looking at each other in love between 25 and 35 years old

If he’s making an effort to be more emotionally open or to address behaviors that keep him distant, it’s a sign he values the relationship and wants to make it work. This dedication to personal growth and change signifies his willingness to step outside his comfort zone for the sake of the relationship.

4. He prioritizes your happiness.

male and female friends talking in cafe

An emotionally unavailable man in love may start to put your needs and happiness ahead of his own. He might go out of his way to do things that he knows will make you happy. This shift from self-focus to caring about your feelings and well-being shows that his feelings for you are getting real and deep.

5. He shows consistency.

man kissing smiling girlfriend's forehead

If he’s consistently making time for you, engaging in conversations, and following through on promises, it’s a sign that he’s committed to the relationship. Consistency is the best way for him to show that his intentions are genuine and he’s ready to invest in a long-term commitment.

6. He’s physically affectionate outside of the bedroom.

man kissing girlfriend's head at beach

When his affection becomes more tender and not just about physical intimacy, it’s a sign he’s emotionally invested. This could include holding hands, cuddling, or other forms of physical closeness. These innocent yet meaningful forms of affection show he has a desire for emotional intimacy.

7. He talks about the future.

man and woman having serious conversation on couch

If he starts making plans for the future and includes you in them, it’s a sign he’s thinking long-term and sees you as an important part of his life. This forward-thinking approach shows that he’s envisioning a future with you in it, a clear sign of deeper feelings.

8. He values your opinion.

Portrait of a happy young Caucasian couple embracing and looking at each other face to face.

When he starts seeking your advice and values your opinions on important matters, it shows he respects you and considers you a partner in his decisions. This sense of partnership and respect is a significant step in deepening a relationship.

9. He introduces you to the people who matter most to him.

adult kids with parents

Bringing you into his inner circle by introducing you to friends and family is a sign he’s serious about you and wants you to be a part of his life. These introductions show that he’s proud to be with you and wants to integrate you into different aspects of his life. This is especially meaningful if introductions like this are rare for him. You’re moving into the inner circle!

10. He starts to express his feelings.

Even if it’s in small ways, any expression of feelings is a big deal for an emotionally unavailable man. It could be as simple as saying he misses you or expressing appreciation for things you do. These verbal affirmations demonstrate that he’s becoming more comfortable with expressing his feelings.

11. He wants to protect you (even though he knows you can protect yourself).

If he becomes protective of you, not in a possessive way but in a caring and concerned way, it’s a sign he’s emotionally invested in your well-being. This protective behavior indicates that he cares about your safety and well-being, and wants to ensure you feel secure.

12. He shows a genuine interest in your life.

When he takes a genuine interest in your day-to-day life, your goals, and your feelings, it’s a sign he’s emotionally engaged and wants to be a supportive partner. This interest in your life shows that he values you as a person and is invested in your personal growth and happiness.

13. He’s more patient and understanding.

An emotionally unavailable man in love may begin to show more patience and understanding towards you. Instead of reacting critically or dismissively when you disagree, he tries to understand your perspective. This change in his reaction is a sign of his growing emotional maturity and investment in the relationship.

14. He makes compromises.

When he starts to make compromises to make the relationship work, it’s a significant sign. Compromise requires putting someone else’s needs or wants at the same level as your own, which might be unusual for him. This willingness to find middle ground demonstrates his commitment to you and the relationship.

15. He expresses jealousy in a healthy way.

A little bit of jealousy can be a sign that he cares for you and values the relationship. However, it’s important that this jealousy is expressed in a healthy, non-controlling way. If he’s able to communicate his feelings without blaming or restricting you, it shows he’s emotionally invested and working on his ability to express emotions.

16. He takes responsibility for his actions.

Attractive young couple in love sitting at the cafe table outdoors, drinking coffee

If he starts taking responsibility for his actions and apologizes when he’s wrong, it’s a sign of emotional growth. This behavior shows he values the relationship more than his ego and is willing to make amends when necessary. This sense of accountability is a significant step towards becoming more emotionally available.

17. He starts initiating emotional conversations.

Instead of avoiding emotional topics, he begins to initiate these conversations himself. He might start talking about his feelings, his fears, or his hopes for the future. This shift from evasion to engagement in emotional discussions indicates he’s becoming more comfortable with vulnerability and is developing deeper feelings for you.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.