Annoying Signs You Can Never Admit When You’re Wrong (Even When You Clearly Are)

Annoying Signs You Can Never Admit When You’re Wrong (Even When You Clearly Are)

As great as it would be to be right all the time, that’s just not realistic. We’re humans, which means we make mistakes sometimes — and when it happens, we need to be able to hold our hands up and take accountability for our actions. Unfortunately, not everyone can, and if you relate to any of the following behaviors, you clearly have a problem admitting when you’re wrong. It’s time to change your behavior before you ruin your relationships — and your overall likability — for good!

1. You Deflect Blame.

Girl sat drinking coffee at table©iStock/martin-dm

Whenever anything goes wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault and never yours. Same for when you upset someone, get your facts mixed up, or misunderstand someone or something. Instead of being like, “Yeah, that was my bad, sorry!” you always point the finger at other people to avoid taking responsibility. It’s not a good look.

2. You Always Need to Have the Last Word.

If you always feel the need to have the last word in an argument, it might mean you have trouble admitting when you’re wrong. You can’t let other people say their piece and leave it at that — you have to be the one who ends every conversation even when you have no right to do so. This can make it hard for you to listen to people and consider their perspectives.

3. You Rationalize Your Mistakes.

If you make excuses or try to justify making mistakes instead of admitting that you’ve messed up in the first place, it shows that being wrong (and accepting that you are) is a challenge for you. How are you ever going to learn from your mistakes if you can’t even own up to them?

4. You Get Defensive.

Getting defensive when someone points out your mistakes is a common reaction for people who can’t admit they’re wrong. Whenever anyone points out that you’re anything less than perfect, it sets off a knee-jerk reaction in you that’s really unpleasant and kind of unfair. This defensiveness can stop you from taking valuable feedback onboard.

5. You’re Uncomfortable with Apologies.

If saying “I’m sorry” makes you uncomfortable, it’s a sign that you struggle with admitting fault. When you hurt someone or get something wrong, the very least you can do is give a genuine apology and try to make it up to the person. Apologizing is a crucial part of taking responsibility for your actions, after all.

6. You Change the Subject.

If you always change the subject when your mistakes are brought up, it’s probably because you either don’t believe you make them or you just don’t want to have them pointed out. Unfortunately, this avoidance can prevent you from addressing the issue at hand and being able to move on from a bad situation.

7. You Act Like the World Is Out to Get You.

Instead of admitting that you’ve done something wrong and taking ownership of it, you love to play the victim and act as if the world is out to get you and you just can’t catch a break. This is another way of shifting the blame anywhere but on your shoulders. Sadly, it just makes you look really emotionally immature.

8. You Never Ask for Help.

If you never ask for help, even when you clearly need it, it indicates that you have a hard time admitting that you don’t have all the answers. This can lead to unnecessary struggle and prevent you from learning. People want to help you, but they’re not going to go out of their way to do so if you’re always insisting that you have everything under control.

9. You’re Often in Fights with People.

If you’re often fighting with people or not on great terms, it could be a sign that you struggle to admit when you’re wrong. People who can’t admit fault often have strained relationships because they can’t compromise or accept criticism. You can’t just expect everyone to put up with the fact that you think you’re perfect all the time.

10. You Hold Grudges.

If you hold onto grudges and can’t let go of past wrongs, it could indicate that you have a hard time admitting when you’ve made a mistake. After all, everyone deserves forgiveness, and bygones should truly be bygones after a while, especially if the person has genuinely apologized. Being rigid about holding grudges is likely because you don’t realize how many mistakes you make!

11. You’re Overly Competitive.

If you’re always desperate to win, even in situations where competition isn’t necessary, it might be because you have a hard time acknowledging when you’re wrong. This constant need to win can overshadow the value of collaboration and learning from other people. You want to come out on top at all costs, and fessing up when you mess up would detract from that in your eyes.

12. You Feel Personally Attacked.

guy talking on phone looking depressed

If you often feel personally attacked when someone points out a mistake or disagrees with you, it’s a sign that admitting you’re wrong is difficult (if not impossible) for you. It’s important to remember that constructive criticism isn’t a personal attack but an opportunity for growth.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.