There are many different ways to be smart. While your friend might have a sky-high IQ, you might have street smarts or have the ability to learn new things quickly. But, maybe you’ve fallen into the trap of feeling like you’re not smart, perhaps because people have made you think that. Well, forget them and boost your self-confidence! Here are 11 signs that indicate you’re a smarter person than people think you are. Believe in yourself!
1. You’re Eternally Curious.
You walk through life feeling like you want to know everything. You like asking questions, learning about new subjects, and getting excited about knowledge. This is what makes you an excellent problem-solver and researcher. Questioning things and asking yourself questions is a sign of intelligence.
2. You See Failure In A Positive Way.
How you deal with setbacks in life says a lot about you. Instead of letting the failure keep you stuck or depressed, you dust yourself off and see obstacles as challenges or opportunities. This makes you resilient, which is so crucial for success. If you’re ever stuck on a deserted island, you’ll be the person to lead everyone and help them survive!
3. You Never Stop Learning.
Intelligence isn’t something that just happens to you. It’s a skill you can keep sharpening as you grow in life. You love digging into new languages, taking new classes, or diving into a new field of knowledge. This keeps your brain young and helps you to increase your knowledge. No wonder your friends turn to you when they need to know something!
4. You Don’t Have All The Answers.
People who lack intelligence might walk around thinking like they know everything. Interestingly, being comfortable with things you don’t understand or with situations that make you feel unsure is a bigger indication of intelligence. It helps you to find creative ways to solve problems and figure things out if you don’t know them, which only increases your knowledge in the end.
5. You’re Extremely Humble.
You don’t have time for arrogance and you don’t feel the need to show off your brains when you’re around other people. You’re humble and know that you’re constantly learning and discovering new things about life and yourself, just like everyone else on the planet. Humility has the benefit of increasing your emotional intelligence, which is the perfect way to build strong connections with people.
6. You Always Spot Patterns.
Maybe you’re the type of person who always notices patterns in situations. You connect the dots when other people just don’t see the details you’re focusing on. This cognitive ability makes you an innovative thinker and an excellent problem solver. It also makes you a good judge of character, because you pay more attention to people and their behavior. That’s pretty impressive!
7. You’re A Pro At Conversation.
When chatting to people, you find it easy to build a connection and get your message across in a way that’s clear but still really friendly and accessible. You’re great at connecting with people from all walks of life and with different opinions. You’re charming and know how to inspire people with the power of your words, which isn’t something most people have. You’re basically a born leader.
8. You’re Open To Feedback.
When people give you constructive criticism, you’re totally open to it. Instead of shutting it off or thinking you’re untouchable, which takes you straight to failure and can lead to isolation, you’ve got an open mind and follow the rule in life that you’re on earth to continue learning and honing your skills. You’re not offended by feedback, you’re inspired!
9. You Can Entertain Yourself.
Instead of always chasing the noisiest, brightest places in life, you’re someone who enjoys being alone in the peace and quiet. This is a sign of intelligence because it means that you can take time to reflect on your decisions, think about what you want, and boost your creativity. This time to yourself also enables you to recharge your energy and come up with exciting ideas. You know how valuable downtime can be.
10. You Take Care Of Yourself.
You can’t get out there and do amazing things if you’re not taking care of yourself first. Can’t pour from an empty cup and all that, right? If you’re smart, you realize the importance of prioritizing your mental and physical health. You lead a healthy lifestyle, find outlets for your uncomfortable emotions, and strive for a work-life balance so you get all your needs met. This keeps you at the top of your game and happy, which is the ultimate form of success.
11. You Have A Great Sense Of Humor.
Being able to laugh during difficult or sad times isn’t always easy, but it feels good and can also be a sign of intelligence. It shows your resilience and creativity because you’re always finding ways to bolster yourself so you can create a new path forward. You don’t take yourself too seriously because you know this can make you focus on the negative aspects of life. Who needs that? By maintaining a sense of humor, you stay light on your feet and upbeat!