12 Struggles Only Blunt People Will Relate To

12 Struggles Only Blunt People Will Relate To

Honesty is the best policy, we all know, but not everyone finds it easy to be upfront. For the rest of us, our bluntness can sometimes come off as being harsh or rude when really, we’re just telling it like it is. If you’re someone who prefers to be frank and not beat around the bush, you’ll probably relate to these things.

1. The fine line between honesty and rudeness

Blunt and honest people get that there’s a thin line between being straightforward and coming off as rude. They understand the importance of truth but also know that delivery is key. They often have to think twice about how to phrase things so that they’re honest without hurting feelings unnecessarily. It’s like having a filter that constantly asks, “Is this helpful, or is it just harsh?” Sometimes, people misinterpret their honesty for rudeness, which can be a tough pill to swallow when their intention is just to be real.

2. The relief of not playing mind games

serious guy head in hands

For blunt and honest folks, there’s a huge sense of relief in not having to play mind games. They prefer straight talk over hinting or beating around the bush. This straightforwardness can sometimes startle people who are used to more indirect ways of communication. They find comfort in knowing that their friends and colleagues always know where they stand with them. No guessing games, no reading between the lines – just pure, unfiltered truth.

3. Being misunderstood as insensitive

Blunt people often get tagged as insensitive or uncaring, which can be frustrating. They understand the value of feelings but believe that sugarcoating or avoiding the truth doesn’t really help in the long run. Their honesty comes from a place of wanting to be genuine, not from a lack of empathy. It’s like being in a constant battle to prove that honesty doesn’t equate to cold-heartedness. They often wish people understood that their directness is a form of honesty, not hostility.

4. The challenge of giving constructive criticism

Giving constructive criticism is a tightrope walk for blunt people. They know how to spot issues and aren’t afraid to point them out, but they also understand that their feedback can come off as too harsh. Finding the right balance between being constructive and not demoralizing someone is a skill they continuously work on. They often have to frame their criticisms in a way that’s helpful and not hurtful, which can be a real challenge when they’re used to just saying it like it is. If that’s something you struggle with, especially when it comes to your romantic relationships, let our sister site, Sweetn, help you out. They have some great tips and tricks that will reshape your interactions with partners. Check them out here.

5. The appreciation for other people’s bluntness

man and woman having lunch outside

Blunt and honest people often have a deep appreciation for people who communicate in the same way. They respect and connect with people who are not afraid to speak their minds, even if it means hearing some hard truths about themselves. It’s refreshing to be on the receiving end of straightforwardness. They see it as a sign of respect and trust, knowing that the other person values honesty as much as they do.

6. The misconception that they’re always angry

angry friends fighting outside

Just because they’re direct, doesn’t mean they’re mad. Blunt people know this too well. Their straightforward nature often gets mistaken for anger or aggression. They wish people understood that just because they’re not sugarcoating their words, it doesn’t mean they’re angry. It’s a constant effort to explain that their tone isn’t a sign of anger, but rather their way of being clear and upfront.

7. Struggling to handle overly sensitive people

friends having a night out

Blunt and honest folks often find it tricky to deal with people who are super sensitive. They’re not about to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings, but they also don’t want to tip-toe around the truth. This can lead to some awkward moments where they feel like they have to hold back, which isn’t really their style. It’s like having to constantly assess how much honesty the other person can handle, which can be pretty draining. They’re all for being considerate, but they sometimes wish people could take their straightforwardness in stride.

8. The satisfaction of being transparent

two smiling friends with coffee walking in cityiStock/GaudiLab

There’s a certain satisfaction that blunt people get from being transparent. They don’t like hiding their feelings or thoughts and find a lot of comfort in being open and clear about where they stand. This transparency is something they value, both in themselves and in their relationships with other people. It’s about keeping things real and not leaving any room for misunderstandings or false expectations. For them, being upfront is the best policy, and it simplifies a lot of social interactions.

9. The difficulty in making small talk

Small talk can be a real challenge for someone who’s blunt and honest. They prefer getting straight to the point and talking about things that actually matter. The whole idea of chatting about the weather or other pleasantries just for the sake of talking doesn’t really appeal to them. It’s not that they don’t want to be friendly; it’s just that they find small talk kind of pointless. They’d rather dive into more meaningful conversations right from the get-go.

10. Sometimes feeling out of place in social settings

Multi-ethnic group of young people on a rooftop party

In certain social settings, blunt people can feel a bit out of place. In environments where everyone’s beating around the bush or being super diplomatic, they can feel like a fish out of water. It’s like everyone’s speaking a different language, one that’s full of hints and implications, and they just want to be straight up. This feeling can make social gatherings a bit uncomfortable for them, especially when they have to hold back their natural tendency to be straightforward.

11. The fear of being manipulative

One thing blunt people worry about is coming off as manipulative or controlling. Since they’re used to taking charge and saying what they think, they sometimes fear that people might see this as trying to impose their views or control situations. They’re just trying to be clear and make things happen, but they’re aware that it can be misinterpreted. It’s a fine line between being assertive and being seen as bossy or manipulative.

12. Always being approached for advice

Young couple having conversation on couch

Blunt people can be relied on to be straight-up and honest, so people often flock to them for advice when they want to make a decision on a job, relationship, or other life decision. This is tough because despite having strong opinions, they have no desire to tell people how to live their lives.

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Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.