The Unexpected Perks Of Being Spontaneous

The Unexpected Perks Of Being Spontaneous

So many people concentrate on making and sticking to plans, but sometimes it’s worth throwing them out the window to embrace spontaneity. From boosting creativity to making you feel a zest for life that snatches you out of your rut, here are 15 unexpected benefits of being more spontaneous.

1. Spontaneity helps you solve problems more creatively.

colleagues working together in office

When you’re a bit more spontaneous, you allow yourself to think outside of the box and explore creative solutions. It also reduces overthinking about upcoming challenges, which can keep you stuck in a rut. Letting yourself spiral is a guaranteed way of preventing creativity from being able to grow, so stick with spontaneity and watch the ideas flow out of you.

2. Spontaneity lowers your stress.

Calm Middle age Caucasian man sitting on sofa listening to music enjoying meditation for sleep and peaceful mind in wireless headphones, leaning back with his lovely chihuahua dog sit besides.

When you remain open to opportunities in life, instead of putting all your energy into working on one plan, this can help you to stress less. If one plan doesn’t work out, you won’t feel so much anxious attachment to it, which can result in anger and disappointment. You’ll move on and search for other ways to achieve your goals. It’s empowering!

3. Spontaneity keeps you flexible.

When you’re unafraid to take a chance, such as launching your startup or stepping into a leadership position, you become more adaptable to various situations that come your way. You’ll learn how to handle the challenges and curveballs life throws at you with more grace. Instead of letting them bring you down, you’ll take them all in stride.

4. Spontaneity creates unique experiences with people.

smiling millennial couple on summer day

If you’re open to new experiences on the fly, such as going to watch the sunset with someone new or jumping on a train to meet your crush, you give yourself a chance to have adventures you wouldn’t ordinarily have in life. This can help you meet people from different walks of life or strengthen bonds and connections with people you already know.

5. Spontaneity prevents you from falling into a rut.

When you inject a bit of healthy impulsivity into your day, you prevent life from getting boring. You shake things up and make every day different so you feel excited about getting up in the mornings. Instead of driving to work, ride your bicycle instead. Instead of grabbing coffee from your usual spot, go to a new place. Keep things refreshing!

6. Spontaneity helps you reconnect with your inner child.

If you stop and notice the way kids behave, you’ll see that they go with the flow and are curious about life. By being more spontaneous, you’ll awaken the same sense of playfulness in yourself. Whether it’s being curious about trying a new activity or approaching tasks with a bit of humor, you’ll find more joy in different situations.

7. Spontaneity boosts your confidence.

Portrait of attractive black woman in urban background wearing leather jacket

Whenever you choose to be a bit more spontaneous, you step out of your comfort zone and embrace uncertainty. Whether you make the impromptu decision to travel solo to a foreign country or say “yes” to last-minute plans, you’ll learn so much more about yourself. By repeatedly doing this, you’ll build confidence and resilience.

8. Spontaneity makes you more present.

woman stretching outdoors in sunshine

Making plans ahead of time can cause you to think too much about the future. To help you become more mindful of the present moment, embrace being more spontaneous! When you stop and fully immerse yourself in the moment and your surroundings, you can make the most of what’s going on right now and ground yourself in it. Go for a spontaneous picnic during a hike or swim in the ocean to suck the joy out of every second.

9. Spontaneity boosts your intuition.

When you dare to do something different, this teaches you new skills. A big one is being able to tune into your intuition. When you make decisions on the fly, you’ll learn how to hone your intuition so you can become more aware of how it’s guiding you through life. This, in turn, makes you trust yourself more to make choices under pressure.

10. Spontaneity helps you work past your fears.

Young woman wearing sunglasses and a yellow scarf walking on the road on a sunny windy spring day

It’s easy to fall into the trap of avoiding things you’re afraid of because it’s too comfortable. But, spontaneity can help you chase your fears away by encouraging you to take more risks. Go on and try something new that you’ve been avoiding, whether it’s going to that new restaurant solo or signing up for yoga classes at your local gym. No matter the outcome of your efforts, taking that shot in itself is what helps you to grow.

11. Spontaneity makes you best friends with failure.

Young woman wall red hair

If you have a fear of failing in life or making mistakes, being a bit more spontaneous can help you work past it. Maybe you’ll decide to write a book, only for it to get rejected by publishers. Or, you’ll ask someone at work out on a date, even though they might say no. Not every choice you make will give you the positive outcome you want, but this will teach you that failure is a natural part of the learning process.

12. Spontaneity encourages emotional intelligence.

You feel many different feelings when you’re spontaneous, such as joy, excitement, and even vulnerability in uncertain situations. By navigating these highs and lows, you’ll gain greater insight into your emotional landscape. This will give you a deeper understanding of your feelings and those of others, helping to make you more empathetic.

13. Spontaneity removes your expectations.

Rear view shot of attractive young woman sitting on back of her boyfriend riding bike through village road.

It’s common to have certain expectations for things, whether you’re starting a new relationship or business. But, these can sometimes be too rigid, causing you to have preconceived ideas about how things should unfold. Or, perhaps you expect perfection from yourself, which just leads you down a stressful spiral. Life sometimes has other plans, so releasing your attachment to specific outcomes can keep you open to a range of possibilities.

14. Spontaneity helps you find new passions.

When you try something different, it can help you explore new interests, activities, and hobbies that you might not have been open to in the past. By exploring unfamiliar territory, you can find things you’re passionate about that enrich your life and make you feel more fulfilled. Say “yes” to going fishing for the first time with mates, or to that dance party with your sister. See what happens!

15. Spontaneity makes you use your time better.

female friends laughing while walking

Life is full of small moments that usually go wasted, such as when you’re waiting in a queue or stuck in a traffic jam. These are opportunities for you to be spontaneous and do something without thinking about it too much. Maybe you can use these moments to scribble down thoughts for a creative side hustle. Or, you can pluck up the courage to chat to a stranger. Don’t think, just do!

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hipster couple kissing outdoors

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.