15 Things You Should Never Feel Guilty About Wanting

15 Things You Should Never Feel Guilty About Wanting

Guilt is a sneaky little thief that robs us of joy and permission to live life on our own terms, but you don’t have to live that way — it’s possible to reclaim your power. Here are 15 things you should absolutely NEVER feel guilty about wanting. Believe me, once you embrace your desires, you’ll live a way more fulfilling life.

Time for Yourself

Whether it’s a solo spa day or just chilling on the couch, you NEED time to recharge. It’s NOT selfish, it’s essential for your mental and emotional well-being. Don’t feel bad for carving out “me time” – it makes you better for everyone else in your life. And honestly, the world becomes a slightly better place when we take care of ourselves first.

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A Little Bit of Luxury

Handsome young businessman walking drinking coffee

Nice perfume, a fancy coffee, whatever gives you a tiny thrill. You work hard! Enjoying those little indulgences isn’t frivolous, it’s self-care. As long as it fits in your budget, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about splurging every once in a while. You deserve to treat yourself – even small treats brighten your day.

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The ability to say “no” without feeling guilty

Annoyed teen girl talking to mother in coffee shop

Your time and energy are valuable. You’re allowed to turn down invitations, requests, and extra responsibilities without a lengthy explanation. A simple “I can’t this time” is enough. Saying “no” frees up space for things you actually want to do. It also teaches others to respect your time and limits.

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For people to respect your boundaries

Letting people know your limits – with work, family, whatever – is healthy. It’s how you avoid burnout and resentment. Don’t apologize for having standards and communicating them clearly. The right people will respect your boundaries. And those who don’t, well, you might need to set even stricter boundaries with them.

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To put your needs first sometimes

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Sometimes you gotta prioritize your own sleep, your workout, your basic sanity. Being a bit “selfish” occasionally allows you to show up as your best self for the people you love. Remember, you can’t give what you don’t have – self-care is essential for being truly generous.

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A Break from Social Media

handsome guy walking down the street

That endless stream of perfect lives is curated BS. If it makes you feel insecure or just wastes your time, take a break! Unplug, go outside, live YOUR life. You don’t have to document every second for it to be valuable. Besides, sometimes the best moments happen offline, in the real world with the people you love.

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Permission to be an imperfect parent occasionally

Screen time happens, takeout is dinner sometimes, and you lose your temper. You’re human, not a parenting robot. Do your best, love your kids fiercely, and ditch the unrealistic expectations. Happy parents tend to raise happier kids. Your kids will remember the love and laughter far more than the occasional slip-up.

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Help from other people

You’re not a superhero. Asking for help with errands, childcare, emotional stuff… it’s a sign of strength, not weakness. Let your friends, family, or professionals lend a hand so you can stay sane. We all need a support system. Plus, asking for help teaches those around you how to lean on others when they need it.

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To indulge in some cheesy hobbies

Coloring books, trashy TV, super basic knitting – if it brings you joy, that’s ALL that matters. Don’t let anyone shame you for your simple pleasures. Your downtime is YOURS, not a contest to impress anyone. Life is stressful enough, embrace those activities that relax and recharge you.

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More out of life

A better job, a nicer place, a whole different path…it’s normal to crave growth and change. Don’t feel guilty for being ambitious or wanting something different than what you have now. It doesn’t mean you’re not grateful, it means you’re alive and dreaming big. Set those goals and fearlessly reach for them!

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Rest When You Need It

Pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion is not a badge of honor. Rest is productive! Taking breaks, napping when you’re tired, and saying “no” to extra commitments helps you avoid burnout and function at your best. Your body and mind will thank you for prioritizing rest.

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Permission to Change Your Mind

Growth means sometimes realizing your old opinions or beliefs no longer serve you. It’s okay to evolve and change your perspective. Don’t let fear of appearing inconsistent hold you back from personal growth. Embrace the process of learning and discovery.

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Different Life Choices

Sunset sun bath for a couple of lovers on the go, travel and holiday lifestyle. young couple having fun standing on convertible car, countryside background

Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. It’s perfectly okay to want different things than your friends, family, or what society expects. Embrace the path that feels right for YOU, even if it seems unconventional. True happiness comes from authenticity.

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To Not Have To Being “Fine” All the Time

You’re allowed to have bad days, feel overwhelmed, and just need a good cry sometimes. Don’t feel pressure to always pretend everything is perfect. Let yourself feel your emotions authentically – it’s part of being human.

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To Take Up Space

Multi ethnic young people smiling together at camera outside - Happy multiracial friends having fun walking on city street - Life style concept with guys and girls hanging out on summer vacation

Your voice, your ideas, and your presence all matter. Don’t apologize for existing or shrink yourself down to make others comfortable. Own your space in the world and contribute your unique perspective without hesitation. The world needs more of your light.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.