Trusting These Types Of People Could Lead To Serious Heartbreak

Trusting These Types Of People Could Lead To Serious Heartbreak

Love can blind us to some major red flags, so it’s time for some hard truths. Some personalities, no matter how charming they initially seem, have a higher likelihood of hurting those who trust them. Think of this as a protective guide so you can approach love with both an open heart and smart defenses.

1. People Who Always Promise “Next Time”

Sad, frustrated young brunette woman is crying with smartphone in hands while she sitting on the chair at apartment

They’re masters of the promise, always assuring you that “next time” things will be different, but that next time never seems to materialize. Relying on their ever-postponed promises will inevitably lead you to feeling disappointed time after time. This pattern can erode trust over time, especially since actions (or the lack thereof!) speak louder than words. It’s important to recognize when “next time” is a red flag rather than a genuine intention for change.

2. People Who Charm You With Words But Lack Action

Their words might sweep you off your feet, but when it comes to concrete actions and being present, they often fall short. The discrepancy between what they say and what they do can be disillusioning. This lack of follow-through can leave you questioning the foundation of your connection. After all, true commitment is demonstrated through actions, not just BS speech. Recognizing this early can save you from ongoing disappointment.

3. People Who Make Everything About Themselves

In their world, it’s all about their needs, their problems, and their stories, leaving little room for anyone else’s. A relationship with them can feel like a one-way street with no room for mutual exchange. Over time, this dynamic can lead to feelings of neglect and frustration because a healthy relationship thrives on give-and-take. It’s important to ensure that your voice and needs are also heard and valued.

4. People Who Are Excessively Jealous

A bit of jealousy might be natural, but when it escalates into constant suspicion or controlling behavior, it undermines the foundation of trust that’s non-negotiable for a healthy relationship. This kind of behavior can create an atmosphere of tension and anxiety that makes it difficult to feel secure and loved. Trust is built on freedom and respect, not on restrictions and doubt, and recognizing this imbalance is key to maintaining your well-being (and your sanity).

5. People Who Disappear When Things Get Serious

Just when you think you’re getting closer, they pull back or vanish, leaving plans unfulfilled and messages unanswered. Trying to build something lasting with someone who’s inconsistently present can be deeply frustrating. This hot-and-cold behavior can lead to confusion and self-doubt, making it challenging to establish any kind of stable, trusting relationship. It’s important to communicate your needs and expectations clearly, and to consider if their pattern of behavior aligns with what you’re looking for in a partner.

6. People Who Thrive on Drama

Life with them is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but not in a good way. If every day brings a new crisis or conflict, it might be time to reconsider if the constant drama is worth your peace of mind. This constant state of turmoil can be exhausting and detract from the joys of the relationship, overshadowing moments of genuine connection and happiness. Seeking a relationship that brings tranquility and support may be more fulfilling in the long run.

7. People Who Avoid Accountability

sad guy

People who never take responsibility for their actions or the consequences thereof can be challenging partners. They often deflect blame onto other people, leaving you to question your own perceptions and possibly even accept fault unjustly. This evasion of accountability can undermine the mutual respect and honesty that are crucial for a healthy relationship.

8. People Who Are Overly Critical

sad man with head in hands

Constant criticism, even under the guise of “just being honest” or “helping you improve,” can be harmful over time. A partner who focuses more on your flaws than your strengths can diminish your sense of self-worth and lead to a relationship dynamic that’s more about control than about uplifting each other.

9. People Who Keep You a Secret

Stress, depression or burnout teacher on school floor with

When someone is reluctant to introduce you to their friends, family, or integrate you into their life, it might be a sign that they’re not fully committed. Being treated like a secret can make you feel undervalued and question the sincerity of their feelings towards you, casting doubt on the longevity of the relationship.

10. People Who Flirt Excessively

sad woman head in hands on couch

While a little harmless flirting can be innocuous, when it crosses a boundary and becomes a consistent behavior, it can be disrespectful and hurtful. It’s important for both partners to feel secure and respected in a relationship, and excessive flirting with other people can undermine that trust.

11. People Who Are Always Comparing You to Everyone Else

Being constantly compared to ex-partners, friends, or even fictional characters can wear down your sense of uniqueness and value in the relationship. A partner who frequently makes comparisons may be projecting their own insecurities or unrealistic expectations onto you, which is unfair and damaging to your self-image.

12. People Who Refuse to Compromise

A relationship involves two people, each with their own needs and desires, and compromise is key to finding a middle ground. When one partner consistently refuses to compromise, insisting on having things their way, it can create an imbalance that leaves you feeling neglected and undervalued.

13. People Who Use Guilt as a Tool

People who always resort to guilt-tripping to sway your choices or actions can create an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship. This manipulation tactic can lead to feelings of obligation and resentment, overshadowing genuine desire and willingness in your interactions and decisions.

14. People Who Are Reluctant to Share Their Lives

When someone is consistently secretive about their past, their daily life, or their feelings, it can raise red flags about their openness and honesty. A foundation of trust is built on sharing and transparency, and without it, you might find yourself constantly questioning the reality of your partnership.

15. People Who Dismiss Your Feelings

Partners who routinely minimize or outright dismiss your emotions are neglecting a core aspect of your well-being. Feeling heard and understood is essential in a relationship, and consistent dismissal can lead to a sense of isolation and emotional disconnect.

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Josh grew up in Connecticut and thought he could never be happier away from big bodies of water until he moved to Minneapolis and fell in love with it. He writes full-time, with his lifestyle content being published in the likes of Men's Health, Business Insider, and many more. When he's not writing, he likes running (but not enough to train for a marathon even though his buddy won't stop asking him).