Although many people are good-hearted, there are plenty of bad apples out there. They fall into your life, making you wonder what happened to them to make them so awful and what they want with you. The tricky thing about spotting them is that they usually try to hide the fact that they’re bad news. Luckily, there are subtle behaviors to keep an eye out for so you don’t get lied to and treated badly. Here are 11 warning signs you’re dealing with a bad person — it’s time to head for the nearest exit!
1. They’re A Human Rollercoaster.
Someone who’s got bad traits is going to be inconsistent. Maybe because it’s hard for them to wear a mask all the time. So, they’ll be cheerful and charming one day, then moody and intense the next. You never know what you’re going to get when they’re around, and it’s scary.
2. They’re Really Confusing.
If you feel confused after spending time with someone, perhaps because their stories don’t seem to match up, this is a red flag that you’re dealing with someone who could be a manipulator. Their behavior might cause you to second-guess yourself or doubt your emotions. It’s best to ignore your self-doubts and listen to your gut!
3. They Love Taking Jabs At You.
Although they’ll promise they’re “just kidding around” when they say something insulting to you, it’s not cool and you know it’s unfair! Early on, they might do this in small ways, but in time they’ll become even more critical and judgmental of you so that your confidence is ripped to shreds.
4. They Vanish When You Need Them.
Someone who cares about you and wants to support you isn’t going to be pulling a disappearing act when you need them. They’ll show up and be available. This person tends to rush off the second the party ends. It’s so shady! They might resurface again when they need something urgently, stating that they disappeared because of some emergency or whatever. They’re full of lies!
5. They’re Gossip Addicts.
Whenever you spend time with this person, all they can do is talk badly about other people. They’re tapped into the grapevine and get the latest goss before it spreads. It’s unsettling how their eyes light up when talking about how someone failed or got fired from their job. They thrive on other people’s drama.
6. They’re Stuck In Negativity.
Someone who’s always negative will make you feel like they’re dragging storm clouds into your life. They’ve always got something negative to say, whether about their lives or other people. They might even try to use “poor me” sob stories to get your sympathy. It’s no wonder you feel down in the dumps or exhausted after a hangout session.
7. They Brush Off Your Feelings.
Whenever you talk to this person, they invalidate your feelings. They might ignore you when you express how their behavior upset you, or they might tell you that you’re being “too sensitive” when you’re going through something tough that’s making your emotions pour out. When someone does this early on, take note – it’s a huge red flag that they’ll never be kind or supportive.
8. They’re Energy Vampires.
Someone who’s a bad person might seem great at first, but when you spend time with them they’ll emit energy vibes that don’t feel right. You might feel drained after speaking to them for 10 minutes on a call, or anxious because of how they try to dominate conversations. Listen to those feelings because they can tell you a lot about what someone’s really about. How you feel is a great indicator of someone’s good or bad nature.
9. Their Body Language Is Off.
When someone’s trying to come across as nice, but their body language is telling you something else, that’s a red flag the person’s not who they appear to be. So, for example, they might be saying they don’t mind rescheduling a date but their eyes look angry. Or, they might be telling you how much they value you, but they can’t make eye contact with you.
10. They Treat Animals Badly.
If someone mistreats animals, whether it’s their pets or strays, that’s a huge sign you’re dealing with someone who doesn’t have inner goodness. This doesn’t only refer to people who physically hurt animals, but also includes people who have tons of pets and not enough resources for them or have pets that look afraid and nervous around them. Someone who’s mean to animals is not a good person, ever.
11. They Like Seeing Other People In Pain.
A bad person will take sick pleasure in seeing other people in pain. If you walk past someone who falls down a flight of stairs, they’ll laugh instead of go help them. You might see that they’re already laughing at your pain in small ways, such as by mocking you when you’re depressed or laughing at you when your car gets stuck on the side of the road. Who do they think they are? It’s time to leave them behind once and for all.