You’re Too Old (And Too Smart) To Put Up with These 16 Things

You’re Too Old (And Too Smart) To Put Up with These 16 Things

You’ve been around the block a few times, picking up wisdom along the way. Now’s the time to use that hard-earned experience to your advantage. Ditch the drama, stop tolerating excuses that hold you back, and create a life that you truly love. You’re too smart and too experienced to settle for less than you deserve – it’s time to design a life that makes you genuinely happy. Don’t put up with these things under any circumstances.

1. Toxic people

Some people are just a drain on your energy. Constantly criticizing you (and everyone else), offering nothing but negativity – all that takes a serious toll. It’s okay to set boundaries or walk away from these relationships. Your well-being matters more than toxic ties. Choose healthy relationships – those built on support and positivity. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not drag you down.

2. Guilt trips

Guilt can be a sneaky monster, showing up from family, friends, or even that voice in your head. But don’t let it stop you. Do what feels right for YOU, even if it ruffles some feathers. After all, it’s your life. Prioritize your happiness and what gives your days meaning. Trust your gut feeling and own your decisions with confidence.

3. Endless drama

Gossip, backstabbing, constant negativity… the list goes on and on. Some people thrive on drama, but don’t get sucked in. Step back, focus on the positive, and refuse to engage in the soap opera. Instead, invest your energy in building meaningful connections and doing stuff that actually brings you joy.

4. Other people’s expectations

You can’t please everyone, and it’s exhausting trying to live up to unrealistic standards. Do what feels right for you, not what you think you “should” do. Let go of the need for approval and follow your own path. The opinions that truly matter are your own and those of the people who love and understand you and the journey you’ve been on.

5. Comparing yourself to other people

Social media can make this worse, but the comparison game is a trap. You’re on your OWN journey. Celebrate your unique path, milestones, and the things that make you feel fulfilled. Comparison steals your happiness, so it’s really important to focus on your progress and embrace what makes you extraordinary.

6. Staying stuck out of fear

Change can be scary, but familiar misery is worse. Don’t put off dreams or necessary changes because “it’s hard.” You deserve a life you love. Take steps, big or small, towards creating it, even if it takes a while. Embrace the power of small, courageous actions – they can truly lead to big transformations.

7. Excuses

“I’m too old,” “I don’t have time,” “I could never…” Stop it! Age is just a number, and if something’s important to you, you’ll MAKE the time. Ditch the excuses and pursue what makes your heart sing. Break down big goals into manageable chunks and celebrate even the smallest wins.

8. Settling in relationships

Life is too short to spend it with a partner who doesn’t value, respect, and uplift you. Don’t settle for less than a real connection and mutual support. You deserve to feel loved and cherished. You really cann’t underestimate the power of setting high standards in your relationships – it attracts partners who truly deserve you.

9. Neglecting your health

Think of your body and mind like a high-performance car – you wouldn’t put junk fuel in, would you? Treat yourself right with good food, fun ways to move your body, and enough sleep. Plus, don’t forget to give your mind some TLC. This isn’t selfish, it’s how you stay strong and keep enjoying life to the fullest. Find what makes you feel good and prioritize it, your body will thank you!

10. People-pleasing

Wanting to be liked is normal, but constantly bending to other people’s whims is exhausting, unnecessary, and a big no-no. Set boundaries, learn to say “no,” and focus on pleasing yourself first – without guilt. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are, not for always saying yes.

11. Waiting for the “perfect” moment

Forget about waiting for the “right time” for things – that might never come. Life is happening right this second! Stop putting off those big dreams or even just simple joys. Get started, even if it’s just a tiny step. Screw up, learn from it, and enjoy the heck outta the journey. Life isn’t meant to be perfect and polished. It’s those messy, real moments that make it so amazing.

12. Negativity

Constant whining gets old – for you and everyone else. Instead, try focusing on what you’re grateful for and look for solutions instead of complaining. This kind of mindset makes life way more enjoyable. It’s about training your brain to see the good, even during tough times. Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring problems, it means facing them with a “we got this” attitude.

13. Regrets

Past mistakes don’t define you. Learn from them, forgive yourself, and move forward. Don’t waste precious present moments dwelling on things you cannot change. Recognize that regrets can be powerful teachers, propelling you towards a richer and more fulfilling future.

14. “Someday” syndrome

“Someday I’ll travel/start that project/learn that language…” Turns out, someday may never come. Start NOW, even with small steps. Make today count towards your dreams. Time is your most valuable currency – invest it wisely in experiences that shape the person you want to become. There are so many things you should experience in life, so get started!

15. A limited mindset

Forget that “too old” nonsense! Every birthday brings more wisdom and experience – that’s your superpower. So, go learn that new skill, chase that crazy dream, fall in love! Keep that sense of wonder and keep pushing past those silly “limits.” Ditch those age stereotypes and show everyone (but mostly yourself) that the best is yet to come.

16. Losing sight of what matters

In the hustle, it’s easy to forget what truly lights you up. Make time for joy, loved ones, and experiences that nourish your soul. These are the things you’ll treasure most, not the endless to-do list. Regularly re-evaluate your priorities and make conscious choices to align your time and energy with what truly matters to you.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.