When you’re in a relationship, there’ll be times that both of you make mistakes. It happens. We’re human. But what’s one of the most frustrating things about loving someone? Telling your boyfriend something you CLEARLY know better than him about, only to have him ignore your advice and discover later how wrong he really was. You want to say “I told you so” when this happens, but a good girlfriend doesn’t. So because you can’t, we will! Here are 10 times guys should definitely listen to us. Seriously, we know what we’re talking about.
- When someone compliments him on an article of clothing he doesn’t think looks good. Being the girlfriend means you see him go back and forth on the little details when you’re about to go out. You might suggest something new like a sweater rather a t-shirt. He won’t do it until he does, then gets so many compliments. It’s infuriating! But at least the compliments will mean he’ll wear it again!
- When he admits that movie you’ve been telling him to watch is actually good. Some guys don’t trust their girlfriend’s taste in movies so it takes a while for them to get around to it. He then says it was “not so bad” when he does see it. But don’t let him fool you… he’s totally going to recommend it to someone down the road.
- When he’s adamant about not wanting to try a new food, then he loves it. It took you sneaking in that different vegetable or fruit in a pasta he’s used to, but you got him there and he liked it! Give yourself a pat on a back and more delicious recipes to find more ways to use his new favorite ingredient.
- When he refuses to get directions while you’re lost, then he finally realizes he has to. He swears that he remembers, but he doesn’t. He’s too embarrassed to back down even though his phone is in his pocket. By the time he accepts defeat you’re just so happy that you forget to say I told you so.
- When his friend you’ve been saying is a bad influence finally burns him good one last time, and he’s had enough. We never want to be that girlfriend who is keeping her boyfriend away from his friends—until you can’t hold it in anymore. Bad friends deserve the axe, but sometimes it takes for someone to get burned hard for it to get through. Once he sees his friend’s true colors you really want beat up the friend more than anything, but once your boyfriend’s wounds are healed you can’t help but think about the red flags you saw.
- When he’s doubting himself for no reason before doing something only for everything to turn out fine. Your guy is so awesome. Why can’t he always see that for himself? In his moments of self-doubt, you tell him that everything, including him, will be okay. Then everything does turn out okay. This is one of those time when you can definitely say “I told you so!”
- When you tell him to take a jacket, but he says he’ll be fine, only to mention he’s cold later. Yes, the weather is nice now, but that’s going to change later and for some reason he’s being stubborn. Well, what can you do? Silently gloat that you were right when it happens.
- When you tell him you’re running behind, but he doesn’t believe you so you’re unsurprisingly late. For a person who’s always punctual, this could be a huge pet peeve. Sadly, not everyone is this way, and sometimes the boyfriend gets too sidetracked or drags his feet. Next time, lie about the time so you get there on time.
- When he tells you about his latest project he wants to do at your place, but you know it won’t end well. Your boyfriend swears he knows what he’s doing when he wants to install something himself because he watches HGTV. He doesn’t and when you tell him his new project is better off in a professional’s hands, he grumbles. Well, you let him try it, only for him to give up and call the cavalry. At least he tried?
- When he’s so sure that an actor starred in something, but you know it’s someone else. We all get confused on who starred in what, but when you know you’re right there’s nothing more amusing than when you’re boyfriend keeps fighting it. Every girlfriend can’t help but be petty enough to do a little dance when IMDB confirms your answer. What can you say? You know your celebrities!