12 Body Language Hacks That Make You Instantly Seem Confident

Our body language can speak volumes before we even utter a word, and it definitely plays a pivotal role in conveying confidence to those around us. It’s a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can shape the perception others have of us and can even alter our own self-perception. Adopting certain physical postures and movements can project assurance and poise, making you seem instantly more self-assured. Below are 13 body language hacks that can help you appear more confident in pretty much any situation. Even if you don’t feel that way inside, fake it ’til you make it.

1. Stand tall.

Good posture is instantly associated with self-assurance. When you stand tall, you create a frame that radiates confidence. This doesn’t mean you should stand stiffly, but you should align your neck and back, roll your shoulders back and down, and distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Good posture signals to others that you are alert and ready for engagement. It can also have a positive effect on your own mood and self-perception, making you feel more powerful and in control.

2. Maintain eye contact.

Maintaining a steady gaze is a hallmark of confidence. By looking someone in the eye, you demonstrate that you are focused and involved in the interaction. It’s important to balance this, as too little eye contact can make you seem evasive, while too much can be perceived as confrontational. The goal is to find a comfortable middle ground where your gaze feels natural and engaged, conveying that you are both interested and interesting.

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4. Use open gestures.

Gestures can be a form of non-verbal communication that underscores the conviction behind your words. Open gestures, such as showing your palms or spreading your hands apart, indicate that you have nothing to hide and that you are open to the person or people you are communicating with. These movements can make you seem welcoming and assured. By contrast, closed gestures, like folding your arms, can suggest that you are defensive or unapproachable.

5. Take up space.

The way you occupy physical space can send signals about your confidence levels. When you allow your body to take up space naturally, it shows that you are comfortable in your surroundings. For example, when sitting, instead of hunching over or squeezing yourself into a small area, sit back in your chair and relax your arms and legs. This doesn’t mean sprawling out without regard for others’ space, but rather sitting in a way that shows you’re at ease and self-assured.

6. Slow down your movements.

Confident people are often unruffled by the pace of the world around them and this is reflected in how they move. By slowing down your physical actions, you exhibit control and thoughtfulness. It tells others that you’re not in a frantic rush, that you move with purpose, and that you’re in control of your own tempo. This can apply to the way you walk into a room, how you reach for your cup of coffee, or how you turn pages in a notebook. Each measured movement suggests a deliberate and self-assured person.

7. Don’t nod at everything people say.

Nodding is a universal gesture for agreement or acknowledgment, but when done excessively, it can give the impression of eager-to-please behavior. Confident individuals use nodding sparingly to convey that they are following the conversation and agree with specific points without overdoing it. This selective use of nodding demonstrates that you are processing what’s being said and giving considered responses. It’s the difference between passive listening and active engagement.

8. Keep your chin up and level.

Your head position can convey a lot about your confidence level. Holding your chin level—not too high and not too low—indicates a balanced, neutral position and projects assurance. It’s a physical cue that helps maintain an open and inviting posture, encouraging positive interactions. Keeping your chin up also affects your outlook in the conversation, promoting a sense of equality between you and the person you’re speaking to.

9. Minimize fidgeting.

Fidgeting is a clear signal of nervousness or impatience, and it can be distracting to others. To appear more confident, it’s important to minimize these small, restless movements. Instead, aim for composure by keeping your hands still or using them in purposeful ways to enhance your communication. When you resist the urge to fidget, you show that you are comfortable in the environment you’re in, even if internally you might feel otherwise.

10. Perfect your handshake.

A handshake is often the first physical interaction you have with someone and can set the tone for the encounter. A firm and solid handshake demonstrates confidence and sets a strong precedent for the interaction ahead. It should be confident without being overpowering, a grip that’s firm but not crushing. This balance conveys a sense of equality and respect for the person you are meeting.

11. Be purposeful when walking.

Walking with purpose is about the intention behind your movement. It’s the difference between meandering aimlessly and moving with a sense of direction. Confident individuals tend to walk with steady, even strides that show they know where they are going and are determined to get there. This doesn’t mean rushing or striding so fast that it seems you’re running away from something. Instead, it’s about walking at a measured pace that projects self-assurance and intent. People often take note of this purposeful approach, associating it with a confident demeanor.

12. Practice sitting tall.

Much like standing, the way you sit can convey a lot about your confidence level. Slumping or hunching over can suggest disinterest or insecurity. Confident people tend to sit with their back straight and shoulders open, exuding a presence even while seated. This doesn’t imply stiffness; there can be an ease to your posture that suggests comfort in your own skin. This kind of posture in a seated position not only makes you appear confident but can also help you maintain alertness and engagement in what you are doing, whether it’s participating in a meeting or conversing with a friend.

13. Mirror other people’s body language.

Mirroring is a subtle and effective way to create a connection and show confidence in social interactions. It involves subtly copying the body language of the person you’re engaging with. When done correctly, it should be nearly imperceptible and not mimicry. It signals empathy and can make the other person feel understood and connected to you. However, it’s important to maintain your own posture of confidence even while subtly mirroring, as this helps reinforce a sense of self-assurance while still fostering rapport.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.