14 Things You Should Know Before Agreeing To Be A Bridesmaid

So you’ve been asked to be bridesmaid — congratulations! It’s always an honor to be asked, and you should feel super happy that you’re held in such high esteem by the brideBut, before you accept, just stop and think for a minute. Is this really for you? Can you commit to it? What does it actually entail? Here are 14 things you should know before you accept the role of bridesmaid:

  1. You don’t have to say yes. First of all, you are under no obligation to say accept your friend’s request if you don’t feel like it’s something you’re up to. The bride-to-be probably has other ladies in her life that would kill for the role, so it’ll be OK.
  2. Clarify before accepting the role. You have every right to ask about whatever concerns you might have before accepting the role. You need to know what kind of time and financial commitment you’re making so you can decide if it’s right for you.
  3. Bitching about the bride will only make you look like a bitch. If you do accept the role, you likely knew what you were getting into. Bitching about the bride will make you look two-faced. If you have some genuine qualms (read: you didn’t realize what you had signed up for) then talk to the bride face-to-face rather than poison her day with your negative attitude.
  4. You may have to step out of your comfort zone. A lot. Whether it’s doing some activities at the bachelorette party that you wouldn’t normally do, wearing a dress you wouldn’t choose, or talking to a bunch of her relatives that you don’t know, weddings aren’t for the weak-hearted.
  5. The bride is going to be the center of attention. For all of you girls who love to turn heads (because, let’s face, who doesn’t?), this day will be a time where you’ll have to push your ego aside and let the bride shine.
  6. You may have to pay for your dress. Or your hair, your nails, your makeup, your tan, or your shoes —  or all of the above. Before you accept the bridesmaid role, find out what she expects you to shell out. That way, there’ll be no surprises down the line.
  7. You may have to wear a dress that you don’t like. Whether you’re lucky enough to choose your own dress or you’re stuck with matching dresses based on the bride’s preferences, there’s probably be something about the dress you don’t like, whether it’s color, fabric or shape. Don’t complain, and instead try to work it as best you can.
  8. 8. You may have to wear your hair in way you don’t necessarily like. Used to wearing your hair down all the time? Well, the bride might be aching to see her girls with updos. Don’t complain, just do it.
  9. The more you can do, the better. The bride is going to be totally overwhelmed with things to do, so the more you can do to help out, the better. Little things can make a world of difference.
  10. Organize and talk to the other bridesmaids. Make sure that all the other bridesmaids are always on the same page. Keep them from bitching. Keep them positive. Always push them to help more, or to be more compromising, and make sure that you’re all comfortable together by organizing lots of fun bridal party nights out together.
  11. Part of your role on the day will be to remain more sober than the bride. The last thing the bride wants is to remember how she had to take care of her drunk bridesmaid at her wedding. Not cool.
  12. You’ll have to hold the bride’s stuff for the day. Lip gloss, tissues, safety pins… whatever she’ll need to use to keep herself looking beautiful, you’ll have to harbor in a cute little clutch bag.
  13. If she doesn’t want to talk to someone, it’ll be your job to distract them. The bride will undoubtedly get to everyone at her wedding at least once, but if there’s a drunken uncle that wants to ramble on to her for an hour, that’s just not feasible. It’ll be your job to interject and let the bride enjoy her night in peace.
  14. Finally, it’s supposed to be fun. Being a bridesmaid is tons of fun. Don’t forget that you should be enjoying every moment of it. And, when you do forget (or when the bride is having a mini panic attack three days before) then always remember: champagne is a bridal parties best friend.
Sarah is a full-time content marketer, part-time freelancer. She’s a serial hobbyist (which just means that she does a lot of random things, but none of them particularly well). Her real talent lies in her ability to consume copious amounts of wine, whilst discussing feminism and reading A Song of Ice and Fire for the 8th time... All while saving puppies from burning houses, of course. You can see more of her work here, or pop over to Twitter and say “‘ello ‘ello” @daughterdipstik