15 Behaviors That Show Just How Classless Someone Really Is

15 Behaviors That Show Just How Classless Someone Really Is

When we talk about class, we’re not referring to socioeconomic status or the amount of money someone has in their bank account.

Instead, we’re talking about the way a person conducts themselves, treats other people, and navigates social situations. Class is about having self-respect, showing respect to others, and maintaining a sense of dignity and grace in all aspects of life. Unfortunately, not everyone got the memo. There are certain behaviors that can instantly reveal a lack of sophistication and social awareness. Here are some of the actions that indicate someone is truly classless, regardless of their financial standing. By understanding these red flags, we can strive to avoid them ourselves (and we really should).

1. Talking over people in a conversation

Ever been in a conversation where someone constantly talks over everyone else? This behavior is a clear sign of disrespect, as Psychology Today notes. It shows they value their own voice over everyone else’s. People with class listen and give other people space to speak. Dominating a conversation without regard for the people around them not only reveals arrogance but also a lack of basic social awareness. It’s about understanding that a conversation is a two-way street.

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2. Being rude to service staff

How someone treats waiters, cashiers, or any service staff can be very revealing. Being rude or dismissive towards them is a major red flag. It shows a lack of empathy and an inflated sense of self-importance. Class involves treating everyone with respect, regardless of their job. Rudeness in these situations demonstrates a failure to respect basic human dignity. Remember, kindness costs nothing.

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3. Swearing constantly

While a slip of the tongue can happen to anyone, constant swearing, especially in inappropriate settings, is a sign of poor self-control and lack of consideration for other people. It often shows a limited vocabulary or a lack of effort to express oneself more thoughtfully. Using profanity as a crutch in conversation can be off-putting and shows a disregard for the comfort of those around you.

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4. Laughing at or making fun of people

Mocking or ridiculing people, especially in public, is one of the most obvious classless behaviors. It shows a lack of empathy and an inclination to belittle people to feel superior. Classy people understand the value of uplifting people, not tearing them down for a laugh. Making fun of someone’s appearance, choices, or mistakes is mean-spirited and reveals a lack of maturity.

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5. Getting a ‘tude when someone has different opinions

Stressed out African American female freelancer working from home using her laptop and encountering some problems concerning her business

Reacting negatively or dismissively to opinions that differ from their own is another sign of classlessness. It shows an inability to engage in open-minded and respectful discourse. Class involves listening to and considering different viewpoints, even if you disagree with them. It’s about engaging in healthy, respectful debate, not shutting down or belittling people.

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6. Constant bragging and one-upmanship

guy annoying his date by bragging

Ever met someone who can’t stop talking about their achievements or possessions? Constant bragging and trying to one-up people in conversation is a sign of insecurity and a lack of class. It shows a need for external validation and a lack of genuine self-esteem. Classy people are confident in their achievements and don’t feel the need to broadcast them constantly to seek approval or admiration.

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7. Showing up late all the time

Consistently being late shows a disregard for other people’s time. It’s as if their time is more valuable than everyone else’s. Being punctual shows respect and consideration. Everyone can be late now and then, but habitual lateness is a sign of poor planning and disrespect. It sends a message that their time is more important than yours.

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8. Lacking table manners

skeptical man looking at woman talking

Table manners are about more than just which fork to use. It’s about consideration for those around you. Chewing with an open mouth, speaking loudly while eating, or being messy are signs of poor upbringing or a lack of concern for people’s comfort. Class involves being mindful of your behavior in shared spaces, especially while eating.

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9. Littering or disrespecting public property

Throwing trash on the ground or disrespecting public property is not just illegal; it’s classless. It shows a lack of respect for the environment and the community. Classy people understand their responsibility to maintain and respect shared spaces. Littering reveals a self-centered attitude and a disregard for communal well-being.

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10. Being intolerant or showing prejudice

woman with head in hands

Expressing intolerant views or engaging in prejudiced behavior is perhaps the most revealing sign of classlessness. It shows a lack of empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity. Classy people embrace differences and treat everyone with respect and dignity. Intolerance and prejudice are rooted in ignorance and fear, Forbes points out, and is far removed from class and sophistication.

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11. Not acknowledging other people’s contributions

woman talking to man in office

Failing to recognize or acknowledge the things other people do is a classic sign of classlessness. Whether it’s in a work setting or in everyday life, taking credit for what other people have done or not giving credit where it’s due shows a lack of integrity and appreciation. Class involves recognizing and appreciating everyone else’s efforts and achievements, not just your own.

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12. Invading people’s personal space

man talking to woman at networking event

Disrespecting personal boundaries and space is a clear sign of classlessness. Whether it’s standing too close, touching without permission, or intruding into personal matters, such behavior shows a disregard for everyone’s comfort and privacy. Respecting personal space is fundamental to showing respect and consideration for other people.

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13. Gossiping and spreading rumors

Young adult creative team of people during a lunch break in their coworking space

Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors about people isn’t just hurtful; it’s a behavior devoid of class. It indicates a penchant for drama and a lack of respect for other people’s privacy. Classy people steer clear of gossip and focus on positive, constructive conversations. They choose their words wisely.

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14. Flaking on commitments all the time

Dissatisfied Asian looking at camera, man inside office holding phone, portrait of dissatisfied businessman at workplace at laptop computer.

Consistently canceling plans last minute or failing to follow through on commitments is a clear sign of a lack of class. It shows unreliability and a disregard for people’s time and expectations. Someone with class values their word and understands the importance of being dependable and trustworthy.

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15. Overreacting to small issues

guy looking stressed at desk with laptop

Blowing minor issues out of proportion, or creating a scene over trivial matters, reveals a lack of perspective and self-control. It’s a behavior that shows a tendency towards drama and attention-seeking. Class involves maintaining composure and dealing with issues in a calm, collected manner.

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Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.