15 Non-Awkward Responses To Someone Being Nice To You

15 Non-Awkward Responses To Someone Being Nice To You

For some reason, it can be kind of awkward when people are being nice to you. Although you appreciate what they’ve done, whether they’re giving you a compliment or expressing how nice it is to hang out, you might not know what to say. Awkward! But it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. The next time someone’s nice to you, here are 15 responses.

1. “Thank you!”

If you feel uncomfortable when someone gives you attention, you don’t have to do much more than just say “thank you”! This works for all situations, whether you’re receiving a compliment or someone has done something nice for you that took you by surprise. Make it even more meaningful by smiling to show gratitude.

2. “Thanks, you’re [insert compliment].”

It can help to remove awkwardness by giving the person a nice comment or compliment back. However, be careful that you don’t say the exact same thing they said to you. For example, if someone says you’re generous, don’t say they’re generous too. It feels insincere. Choose a more meaningful compliment that’s personal to them, as this will be more memorable.

3. “That’s so nice to hear.”

You can express appreciation for the person’s kind words by saying that it’s nice to hear what they’ve said. This gives you something genuine to say and it can be used in addition to saying “thank you” if you feel that those two words aren’t enough. What’s great about this response is that it allows the conversation to flow smoothly without putting pressure on you to come up with a creative answer.

4. “That cheered me up!”

Telling the person that their comment has put a smile on your face and boosted your mood is a great way to show the person that their words are much appreciated. Everyone wants to feel that they’ve improved someone’s day, so letting them know that they gave you a reason to feel positive is powerful.

5. “You’ve inspired me.”

It’s wonderful to give the person something back when they’ve been nice to you. Tell them that their good deed or kind words have inspired you to continue improving yourself. Or, perhaps their compliment has encouraged you not to give up on your dreams. By saying this, you can both leave the interaction feeling good.

6. “Thanks, you helped me out so much.”

Express thanks to someone who’s done you a favor by mentioning how much they helped you. It’s good to provide some details, such as by saying, “You helped me so much on a day when my stress levels are through the roof!” This will have a positive impact on them and it can strengthen the bond you both share.

7. “You’re a kind person.”

Sometimes, just pointing out that the person’s being kind or generous by complimenting you is enough to show appreciation without feeling weird or uncomfortable. It’s a gracious way of turning the spotlight onto them, but without giving them a meaningless compliment.

8. “Thanks, what did you like about it?”

It can help to ask the person a question. This moves the conversation forward and prevents awkward silences. So, if the person complimented your acting in a play, ask them what they liked about it. Or, if someone helped you with an art project, ask them why they were drawn to it.

9. “Oh, that’s sweet of you.”

By calling the compliment “sweet,” you’re acknowledging the thoughtfulness and sincerity of the person’s words, which can make them feel valued and appreciated. It’s also a humble way of responding to a compliment, without appearing boastful or trying to dismiss it, which always makes things weird.

10. “Thanks, flattery will score you bonus points!”

If someone’s being flirtatious, you should match their tone (only if you’re interested, of course). So, tell them that flattery will score them bonus points as a way to flirt a little back. Or, you could say, “Now you’re making me blush!” It’s a clever way to respond to a flirt without getting too serious.

11. “You’re a lifesaver!”

If someone helped you out, you don’t have to go all out with praising them (that can make things awkward or seem insincere). So. if you’re shy about telling them how much they helped you, you can simply tell them that they’re a lifesaver. This communicates your appreciation while boosting their ego.

12. “I needed to hear that.”

This is a good phrase to use if someone’s apologized to you or is showing you support during a tough time. It acknowledges their niceness by showing them how much their comment means to you. If you’re feeling like you don’t want to become too emotional in your response, it still shows them genuine appreciation.

13. “That’s awesome.”

You can use the words “That’s awesome!” when someone compliments something you’ve done, like when they tell you they loved your speech or were inspired by your social media post. However, make sure that if they’re giving you a meaningful, detailed compliment, you throw in a “thank you,” or you could seem insincere.

14. “That means a lot coming from you.”

When someone’s being empathetic or supportive, you could tell them that their words mean a lot, but adding that it means more because it comes from them specifically is a nice touch. It shows that you hold them in high regard and value what they have to say. If you’re close to the person, this phrase also helps to reinforce the positive dynamics of your relationship.

15. “Oh, there’s an interesting story about that.”

two colleagues working in office

This response avoids awkwardness and helps you to move the conversation forward. For example, if someone tells you your new dress is beautiful, you could explain the unique shop where you bought it. Or, if they commented that you made a great presentation, you could mention that it was a team effort. This ushers the conversation along in an engaging way.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.