Although of course everyone wants to make money and we all need to earn a living, there comes a day when you realize there are many other important things. The truth is that even if you have less cash in the bank than you would like, you’re likely still living a life that you’re proud of. If these 15 signs sound like you, then you know you’re a wealthy person, even if you don’t go on five-star luxury vacations or dine at Michelin Star restaurants.
1. You have friends who truly get you.
Whether you made some great friendships later in life or see your childhood friends frequently, your friends know who you are and love you for it. When you have true friendships with people who understand you instead of acquaintances, you’re better off than you might realize. These relationships enrich your life and make you feel seen, which is important.
2. You don’t dread your job on Sunday evenings.
How you feel on Sunday nights is a true testament to how happy you are and how you approach your life. If you feel ready for a new week and even excited about getting back to work, you can consider yourself wealthy, no matter how much cash you actually have. This proves that you’re in the right place and that you can handle the stressors that inevitably come up in any career.
3. You have family members who you get along with.
Sure, it would be great if you had a large family who had reunions every summer in Maine or celebrated every single holiday. But that might not be your reality… and that’s okay. As long as you have a few relatives who you genuinely connect with, from your great-aunt to your younger sibling, you’re doing better in life than you might think. It’s comforting to lean on people who have known you for a long time, which is sadly not something everyone can say.
4. You’re in a relationship that feels right (or you don’t stress about your single status).
You’re wealthy when you’ve made peace with your love life. You accept the small problems of your long-term relationship because you know no one’s perfect. If you’re single, you feel good about yourself and know that you can still meet the right person if and when you’re ready. When you can ride the waves of the tough parts of finding love, you’re saving yourself mental anguish.
5. You’ve found the perfect exercise plan and diet for you.
Feeling guilty about skipping the gym and finding a new diet every week, from low-carb to Paleo to high-protein, can take a toll after a while. You’re on the right track when you embrace a workout style, whether it’s yoga or lifting weights, and also know what to eat to feel good. Living a healthy lifestyle helps you not only feel happier but also makes the rest of your life easier since you have more energy. That’s a big win.
6. You’ve made peace with the past.
Life is tough and there’s always a reason to be nostalgic for old times. Whether you miss the large friend group you had in college or wish your last relationship had worked out (despite knowing it was bad for you), you can’t help but think about the past. That said, for the most part, you’ve realized that you can’t change what happened, which makes you richer than people who don’t want to or can’t move on.
7. You genuinely feel happy for others instead of envious.
One of the hardest things in life is celebrating someone else’s wins without feeling like they’ve taken something away from you. Did your best friend get engaged and you haven’t gone on a second date in weeks? Does it seem like everyone you know is on vacation on the Amalfi Coast? If you can be glad for others instead of being jealous, that shows you’re focused on your own rich life, which is great.
8. You’re resilient.
Sure, everyone needs to take a beat sometimes and reflect on when something hard happens. But when you can bounce back from minor challenges? That shows you have a rich, full life. You continue to apply for jobs when you haven’t gotten responses from any applications yet. You stay positive even though you sprained your ankle. You generally believe that the best is yet to come and don’t dwell on what isn’t working in your life.
9. You have high emotional intelligence.
All the money in the world doesn’t help you if you shy away from discussing important subjects, avoid confrontation, and don’t feel compassion for others. If you can approach the tough parts of life maturely and process your feelings without fighting with people or having a chip on your shoulder, you’re doing well.
10. You don’t compare yourself to others.
While you might not have a million dollars, you know who you are and you’re proud of it. You don’t feel the need to change in order to impress someone you want to date or be friends with. Standing on your own two feet is a huge accomplishment in a world where it’s so easy to feel less than. When you can be authentically yourself, that’s a big sign of having a rich life.
11. You’re well-read.
Whether you love juicy romances like The Idea Of You or only read non-fiction, having a love of reading is one of the best qualities to have. Getting lost in a great book is a nice break from the daily grind and a form of entertainment. It’s also a way to strengthen your vocabulary and open up your mind. You can bring up the last book you raced through at dinner parties and when making random small talk. When you’re a bookworm, you have a full life since you have an enriching and fun hobby.
12. You limit your social media scrolling.
While you can learn a lot from a potential date’s social media, you know that spending too much time online can make you feel terrible. You check your feeds when you feel like seeing what your friends are up to or looking up a favorite food blogger’s new recipe. But you don’t go overboard or spend hours each day feeling guilty that you could be doing something better with your time. Taking charge of your scrolling is a good sign that you have a lot going on in your life and have more interesting things to do than staring at your phone all the time.
13. You’re efficient and productive without beating yourself up.
It’s hard to cross items off your work to-do list without feeling like a failure when that one project takes longer than you thought. If you’ve figured out how to be productive and give yourself grace when you need more time to complete a task, you’re richer than others might think. You’ve saved yourself hours of misery and self-doubt and can finish each work day feeling accomplished rather than anxious.
14. You fit in self-care every day.
From a ten-minute meditation after dinner to a quick walk with your sweet dog before work, you know that self-care doesn’t have to be a pricey spa day or an expensive beach vacation (even though those sound pretty nice). You know how to look after yourself without spending a lot of money, and you find peaceful moments each day. When you can be happy even during small moments, you’re wealthier than many others.
15. You have fun even when plans go awry.
From canceled flights to dinner at that new restaurant that wound up being disappointing, it’s easy to be upset about the low points in life. When you can enjoy yourself in any situation and shrug when things go wrong, you’ve figured out how to rise above the things that usually frustrate people. Even if you wish that you took home more money each month, you can rest assured knowing you’re living life to the fullest.
16. Fed up with feeling alone? Attract love by changing your mindset.
With our sister site Sweetn‘s simple quiz and mind tools, love is closer than you think. They’ll give you the tools and skills you need to transform the way you date and shift your energy to help you find lasting love. It only takes a few minutes to get started, so check it out here.