15 Things To Say To Your Child To Boost Their Self-Esteem

15 Things To Say To Your Child To Boost Their Self-Esteem

As a parent, everything you say to your child has a big impact. Therefore, you should always choose your words carefully to ensure you’re not unintentionally hurting their feelings. Here are some great examples of things you can say to your child to boost their self-esteem and make them feel loved.

1. “You did a good job.”

It’s important to recognize your child’s achievements because this boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to keep trying. You can go a step further and tell them why they did a good job. For instance, if they did well on a test you could say they did a good job because they worked so hard at it. This encourages and makes them feel like they can accomplish many things in life.

2. “You’re special.”

Every child likes to know they’re special in some way, especially to you. So make sure you let them know regularly. Highlight what it is about them that makes them so special. Is it their big heart? Their kind and giving nature? Their ability to light up a room whenever they walk in? Write a list of all the things that make them special and read them out whenever they need a boost.

3. “You tried your best.”

Things won’t always go to plan and your child should know that ‘failures’ shouldn’t really be seen as a bad thing. Sometimes, failing is a good thing because it makes them realize how important something is to them. Let them know that they tried their best and you’re proud of them regardless of the outcome. This will greatly improve their confidence and encourage them to keep trying.

4. “Always be yourself.”

It’s a good idea to let your child know that who they are is more than enough. They don’t need to try to change anything about themselves or act in a certain way to “fit in”. They can simply be themselves because the people who are worth having around will love them regardless.

5. “You can do anything you put your mind to.”

Every child wants to know that their efforts won’t go unnoticed. They want to know that their dreams and ambitions in life can come true if they set their mind to it. So gently encouraging them can help them realize that all of their hard work will pay off eventually.

6. “You are beautiful inside and out.”

Sometimes, it’s hard for your child to acknowledge their own beauty. They may be at that age where they keep comparing themselves to others, or they feel that they don’t meet society’s expectations. Reminding them that they’re beautiful both inside and out is a nice way to show them how much they mean to you, and it helps to boost their self-esteem as well.

7. “I love you for who you are.”

It can be heartbreaking to hear your child talking negatively about themselves and pointing out their own “flaws” or weaknesses. Instead of telling them that they’re wrong, which can make them more defensive, remind them that you love them for who they are. This may help them to see themselves in a more positive light.

8. “You don’t have to strive for perfection.”

If your child is always striving for perfection, then it might be time for a wake-up call. Let them know that effort and determination are far more important than trying to do everything perfectly. This way they won’t burn themselves out or beat themselves up if they fail. This can go a long way in improving their confidence.

9. “You’re so brave.”

No matter how old your child is, it’s nice to acknowledge their bravery since this makes them feel stronger and more determined. If they’re going through something difficult right now or they’ve just tackled a huge fear, it can make a world of difference knowing that they have your support along the way.

10. “I believe you.”

You should always believe your child, period. If they confide in you about something, they must have your support. After all, if they can’t turn to you, who can they turn to? Telling them that you believe and that you’re willing to listen to them will inspire confidence and motivate them to do what they need to do.

11. “How did it go?”

Young bearded man with daughter©iStock/Geber86

Whether your child has just taken an exam or played their first football game, it’s nice to ask them questions about it. They may want to talk about it or they may not, but by giving them the opportunity to talk about it, they know they have your love and support. If their self-esteem has recently been knocked down, this could give them a big pick-me-up.

12. “You are so smart.”

Children like to be told that they’re smart and it’s a great confidence booster. If they’re prepping for a test and saying things like, “I can’t do it”, or “I’m not smart enough”, remind them that they can do it and they are in fact really clever. Help them discover their own strengths as this can change the way they see themselves.

13. “Always be curious.”

Sometimes, children can feel like they’re wasting time by daydreaming, but it’s important that you remind them it’s all worthwhile. Being curious is great for their mental health and well-being because it encourages them to think outside the box and try new things. And when they try new things, they might discover something they love and are good at.

14. “I’m proud of you.”

One of the most important things you can say to your child is that you’re proud of them. They need to hear this when they’re happy, when they’re down, when they’re tired, and pretty much at every point in their lives. Knowing that you’re proud of them no matter what they do will motivate them and greatly boost their self-esteem.

15. “I will always love you.”

When it’s all said and done, your child just needs to know that you’ll love them no matter what. They need to know that if they make mistakes or they mess up at times, you won’t see them any differently and that your love for them is unconditional. Knowing how loved they are by you will boost their confidence and help their self-esteem.

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Coralle is a freelance writer with an interest in relationships, women's health and parenting. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching new Netflix shows and spending time with family.